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Summer Quarter 1926

Education sB1-I: (Philosophy B6-I) History and Philosophy of Eduation.
First Term. 1 session-hour. Associate Professor Pott.

Education sB1-II: (Philosophy B6-II) History and Philosophy of Education.
Second Term. 1 session-hour. Professor Ferguson.

Education sB1-III: (Philosophy B6-III) History and Philosophy of
Second Term. 1 session-hour. Professor Ferguson.

Education sB2-I: Educational Psychology. Both Terms. 1 session-hour.
Professor Brown.

Education sB2-II: Principles of Teaching. Both Terms. 1 session-hour.
Professor Barrett.

Education sB3-I: Principles of Sociology. Both Terms. 1 session-hour.
Mr. Kirkpatrick.

Education sB3-II: Modern Social Problems. Both Terms. 1 session-hour.
Mr. Kirkpatrick.

Education sB3-III: Educational Sociology. Both Terms. 1 session-hour.
Professor Brown.

Education sB4-I (a): Educational and Vocational Guidance for High
First Term. 1 session-hour. Professor Brown, Mr. Hall, Miss
and others.

Education sB4-I (b): Problems of Educational and Vocational Guidance.
First Term. 1 session-hour. Professor Geissler, Professor Smithey,
Professor Brown and others.

Education sB4-II: The Organization and Administration of ExtraCurricula
Activities in Secondary Schools.
Both Terms. 1 session-hour. Mr.

Education sB4-III: History of Modern Secondary Education. Both
Terms. 1 session-hour. First Term, Professor Ivy. Second Term, Professor

Education sB5-I: School Administration. Both Terms. 1 session-hour.
Mr. Acker.


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Education sB5-II: School Administration. Both Terms. 1 session-hour.
Associate Professor Cornell.

Education sB5-III: Standard Tests in Elementary School Subjects.
Both Terms. 1 session-hour. Assistant Professor Gilbert.

Education sB7-I: High School Administration. Both Terms. 1 session-hour.
First Term, Professor Ivy. Second Term, Professor Clark.

Education sB7-II: The Junior High School. Both Terms. 1 session-hour.
Mr. Lamport.

Education sB7-III: Program of Studies of Modern Secondary School.
Both Terms. 1 session-hour. First Term, Professor Ivy. Second Term, Professor

Education sB8-I: (Section I) Hygiene and Sanitation. Both Terms.
1 session-hour. Assistant Professor Reynolds.

Education sB8-I: (Section II) Hygiene and Sanitation. Both Terms.
1 session-hour. Assistant Professor Kindred.

Education sB8-II: Social Hygiene. First Term. 1 session-hour. Assistant
Professor Kindred.

Education sB9-I: Elementary School Organization and Administration.
Both Terms. 1 session-hour. Assistant Professor Gilbert.

Education sB9-II: The Supervision of Rural Schools. First Term. 1
session-hour. Miss Heyl.

Education sB9-II: Elementary School Supervision. Second Term. 1
session-hour. Assistant Professor Gilbert.

Education sB9-III: The Curriculum of the Elementary School. First
Term. 1 session-hour. Assistant Professor Gilbert.

Education sC2-I: Educational Surveys.—Both Terms. Professor Manahan,
Associate Professor Cornell and Mr. Acker.

Education sC2-II: Seminar in School Administration. Second Term.
Professor Manahan, Associate Professor Cornell and Mr. Acker.

Education sC2-III: Study of Educational Surveys—Continued. First
Term. Professor Manahan, Associate Professor Cornell and Mr. Acker.

Education sC3-I: Standard Tests in School Subjects. Both Terms.
Professor Manahan, Associate Professor Cornell and Mr. Acker.

Education sC3-II: Standard Tests in Elementary School Subjects.
First Term. Professor Manahan, Associate Professor Cornell and Mr. Acker.

Education sC3-III: Seminar in School Administration. Both Terms.
Professor Manahan, Associate Professor Cornell and Mr. Acker.

Education sC4-I: Problems of Secondary Education. Both Terms.
Professor Smithey.


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Education sC4-II: Problems of Secondary Education. Both Terms.
Mr. Lamport.

Education sC4-III: Problems of Secondary Education. Both Terms.
Professor Smithey.

Education sC5-I: The Family: Both Terms. Mr. Kirkpatrick.

Education sC6-I: Statistical Method in Psychology and Education.
First Term. Professor Ferguson.

Education sC6-II: Backward and Gifted Children. First Term. Professor

Education sC6-III: Individual Differences. Both Terms. Professor

Education sC7-I: The Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence. Second
Term. Professor Geissler.

Education sC7-II: The Psychology of Elementary School Subjects.
Second Term. Professor Geissler.

Education sC7-III: The Psychology of High School Subjects. Second
Term. Professor Geissler.

Courses for which there are no corresponding courses in the regular session:

Education s31: Nature Study. Both Terms. 1 session-hour elective.
Mr. Hayes.

Education s32: Child Literature. Both Terms. 1 session-hour elective.
Professor Barrett.

Education s33: Elementary Educational Psychology. Both Terms. 1
session-hour elective. Professor Barrett.

Education s34: Elementary Educational Psychology. Both Terms. 1
session-hour elective. Professor Brown.

Education s35: The Teaching of Geography. Both Terms. 1 session-hour
elective. Supervisor Von Schilling.

Education s36: The Teaching of Reading in Primary Grades. Both
Terms. 1 session-hour elective. Supervisor Wyatt.

Education s37: The Teaching of Reading in Grammar and Upper
Both Terms. 1 session-hour elective. Supervisor Wyatt.

Education s38: Methods in Language and Spelling; Primary Grades.
Both Terms. 1 session-hour elective. Supervisor Wyatt.

Education s40: The Primary Child and the Curriculum. First Term.
1½ session-hours elective. Miss McLester.

Education s41: Constructive Projects for Kindergarten and Primary
First Term. 1 session-hour elective. Miss McLester.


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Education s42: Methods in Civics and History. Both Terms. 1 session-hour
elective. Associate Professor Krebs.

Education s43: Methods in Language and Spelling; Grammar Grades.
Both Terms. 1 session-hour elective. Associate Professor Krebs.

Education s44: Literature for the Grammar Grades. Both Terms. 1
session-hour elective. Supervisor Von Schilling.

Education s45: The Teaching of Arithmetic. Both Terms. 1 session-hour
elective. Associate Professor Krebs.

Education s46: General Geography. Both Terms. 1 session-hour
elective. Supervisor Von Schilling.

Education s47: Supervised Teaching. First Term. 1 session-hour
elective. Miss Heyl.

Education s48: Parent-Teacher Association Work. First Term. 1
session-hour elective. Miss Hays.