University of Virginia Library




We're The Twins from Aunt Marinn's,
Igo and Ago.
When Dad comes, the show begins!—
Iram, coram, dago.
Dad he says he named us two
Igo and Ago
For a poem he always knew,
Iram, coram, dago.
Then he was a braw Scotchman—
Igo and Ago
Now he's Scotch-Amer-i-can.
Iram, coram, dago.
“Hey!” he cries, and pats his knee,
“Igo and Ago,
My twin bairnies, ride wi' me—
Iram, coram, dago!”


“Here,” he laughs, “ye've each a leg,
Igo and Ago,
Gleg as Tam O'Shanter's ‘Meg’!
Iram, coram, dago!”
Then we mount, with shrieks of mirth—
Igo and Ago,—
The two gladdest twins on earth!
Iram, coram, dago.
Wade and Silas-Walker cry,—
“Igo and Ago—
Annie's kissin' 'em ‘good-by’!”—
Iram, coram, dago.
Aunty waves us fond farewells.—
“Igo and Ago,”
Granny pipes, “tak care yersels!”
Iram, coram, dago.