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The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore

Collected by Himself. In Ten Volumes

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College.—We announced, in our last, that Lefroy and Shaw were returned. They were chaired yesterday; the Students of the College determined, it would seem, to imitate the mob in all things, harnessing themselves to the car, and the Masters of Arts bearing Orange flags and bludgeons before, beside, and behind the car.” Dublin Evening Post, Dec. 20. 1832.

Ay, yoke ye to the bigots' car,
Ye chos'n of Alma Mater's scions;—
Fleet chargers drew the God of War,
Great Cybele was drawn by lions,
And Sylvan Pan, as Poets dream,
Drove four young panthers in his team.
Thus classical L---fr---y, for once, is,
Thus, studious of a like turn-out,
He harnesses young sucking dunces,
To draw him, as their Chief, about,
And let the world a picture see
Of Dulness yok'd to Bigotry:
Showing us how young College hacks
Can pace with bigots at their backs,
As though the cubs were born to draw
Such luggage as L---fr---y and Sh---w.


Oh shade of Goldsmith, shade of Swift,
Bright spirits whom, in days of yore,
This Queen of Dulness sent adrift,
As aliens to her foggy shore ;—
Shade of our glorious Grattan, too,
Whose very name her shame recalls;
Whose effigy her bigot crew
Revers'd upon their monkish walls ,—
Bear witness (lest the world should doubt)
To your mute Mother's dull renown,
Then famous but for Wit turn'd out,
And Eloquence turn'd upside down;
But now ordain'd new wreaths to win,
Beyond all fame of former days,
By breaking thus young donkies in
To draw M.P.s, amid the brays
Alike of donkies and M.A.s;—
Defying Oxford to surpass 'em
In this new “Gradus ad Parnassum.”

See the lives of these two poets for the circumstances under which they left Dublin College.

In the year 1799, the Board of Trinity College, Dublin, thought proper, as a mode of expressing their disapprobation of Mr. Grattan's public conduct, to order his portrait, in the Great Hall of the University, to be turned upside down, and in this position it remained for some time.