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sylvan and sacred. By the Rev. Richard Wilton

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“Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God.” Rev. iii. 12.

Shall I a pillar be
Within Thy Courts above,
Steadfast and beautiful to see,
And crowned with wreaths of love?
I am a poor weak reed,
Shaken with every gust;
Thy kind supporting hand I need
To lift me from the dust.
Yet, Lord, Thou wilt not break
A reed that bruisèd lies,
But gently raise it up to make
A pillar in the skies.


Erect it there shall stand,
Founded upon a Rock;
One column of a beauteous band
That fear no tempest-shock.
'Tis theirs to rest and shine;
'Tis theirs to work and bear
The burden of the House divine,
The Heavenly Temple fair.
Round them what glories blaze,
What songs harmonious roll,
As myriad tongues uplift the praise
Which stirs each ransomed soul.
And mid those pillars bright
The Lord Himself is seen
Walking—the Temple's living Light,
The Morning Star serene.


O for Almighty Grace,
For overcoming love,
To win for me a pillar's place
In God's great House above!