University of Virginia Library




Long us'd, in annual gifts to find
Some semblance of your form, and mind,
I stood resolv'd, this year, to make
One change at least, for changing sake;
And by a powerful pencil's aid,
Present you with—Myself portray'd.
Vain scheme!—My Face the canvas shows;
My Verse no change of Object knows;
Fancy, tho' vagrant, faithful too,
Extends, but never quits the clue.


In justice to friend Clarkson's skill,
Call it my Picture, if you will,
Confess 'tis all, you wish'd it shou'd;
Say 'tis as like, as he is good:
I join the suffrage, and rejoice;—
But your idea prompts my voice,
When in the Copy you approve
The Man, who loves you, as I love!
Whatever lineaments I trace,
Some excellence of yours takes place.
That Eye, these rival tints display,
Recalls each livelong, rapturous day,
While, as new Grace round Beauty grew,
My real Eye dwelt all on You.
How oft, for Comforts you bestow'd,
With cordial sympathy it glow'd!
How oft, amidst despondence clos'd,
Safe in your Virtues it repos'd!


How oft, it glitter'd with delight,
If your approach engag'd it's sight!
How still, (so rich your Merit's store!)
It only sees, to wonder more!
Where art has sketch'd those Lips of mine
Resemblance lives along the line;
I look—and own my features caught:
I think—and you inspire my thought:—
Quick to the lips reflection flies,
Whose theme my Molly's Name supplies;
The Lips, whose vows so truly made,
Her Truth with interest has repaid;
The Lips, which boast the double bliss,
To speak her praise—and claim her kiss.
Happy that stroke's expressive ease,
Which living Character can seize!—
Such strokes, such ease, I here discern;
And back of course to You return:


“Whence did th' original suggest
“The Character so well exprest?”
—'Tis animation You impart:—
You point the look, who rule the Heart!
And if mere colours could reveal
In outward seeming, all I feel,
They'd show my joy, my pride, my hope,
My whole imagination's scope,
So full of You; and You alone,
'Twere less my Portrait, than your own!