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The Whole Works of Homer

Prince of Poetts: In his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke. By Geo: Chapman

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The Argvment.

By Ioues permission, all the gods descend
To aide on both parts. For the Greekes contend,
Iuno, Minerua, Neptune, Mulciber,
And Mercurie. The deities that prefer
The Troian part, are, Phœbus, Cyprides,
Phœbe, Latona, and the foe to Peace;


With bright Scamander. Neptune in a mist
Preserues Æneas, (daring to resist
Achilles;) by whose hand, much skath is done;
Besides the slaughter of old Priams sonne,
(Yong Polydor) whose rescue, Hector makes;
Him (flying) Phœbus, to his rescue takes,
The rest (all shunning their importun'd fates)
Achilles beates, euen to the Ilian gates.