University of Virginia Library



Love, if thou list, I pray the let me leiv;
Devoir me not, withdrau thy deidly dairt.
Quhat right or resone hes thou to bereiv
Me, wofull wretch, of my vnhappie hairt?
Thy fyre, through yre,
My bailfull bosome burnis.
Quhat gloir the moir
Vnto thy trophee turnis?
To prove on me thy pith,
Ane innocent, but ill,
That ȝoldin am in will,
If thou thy captive kill,
I dou not do thairwith.
O Reson! thou regards not to be reft;
Weill I persaiv thy pairt is to reprove:
Quhy hes thou me alone in langour left?
Delyvring me vnto this lokman Love,
Vhose strenth at lenth
Sall shuff the by the skaith;
That I deir buy
And thou be banisht baith;
Quhilk sore we may repent.
Fra thou be in exyle,
That boy will me beguyll.
O! waryit be the vhyle
That euer we wer acquent!
Quhen I wes lous, at libertie I lap;
I leugh vhen ladyis spak to me of love;
To hald me sa, alace! I had no hap,
Bot purposly I wald gang pastym prove.


I thoght I moght,
But perrell, pas the tym;
Fra hand, I fand
My fethers in the lyme.
Quhair I took leist regaird,
And lothest wes to look,
Bot seimd that I forsook,
Sho had me on hir hook:
O! welcome, just reuard!
My pane is bot hir pastyme and hir play.
As fyr I burne—lyk yce scho is als cauld:
I sie, the man wha will not vhen he may,
The tym sall come, he sall not vhen he wald.
I sie in me
This proverbe to be true;
Quha wald not hald
Me frie, vhilk I may reu;
Bot proudly wald presume,
And haȝard to come speid.
Quhen gone is all remeid,
Dispair will be my deid:
I sie nane other dome.