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Divine Poems

Written By Thomas Washbourne

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Upon his losing his way in a mist.


Upon his losing his way in a mist.

I thought I could not go a stray,
So perfectly I knew the way:
Yet in a Mist I miss'd it, and
Err'd now on this, now on that hand,
And till the fog was by the Sun
Dispell'd, I in a maze did run
And ride as if 'twere Fairie ground,
Or that the Puck had led me round;
So whiles I want a heavenly light
The day's to me as dark as night,
Which way I go I cannot tell,
Whether it be towards heaven or hell;
But this I know, that there is odds,
I tread the divels track, not Gods;
For Gods way strait and narrow is,
The divels broad and hard to miss.
O Sun of Righteousness then shine,
And soon disperse this mist of mine,
Lighten the darkness of my mind,
That I the way to heaven may find.