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A choice of emblemes, and other devises

For the moste part gathered out of sundrie writers, Englished and Moralized. And divers newly devised, by Geffrey Whitney. A worke adorned with varietie of matter, both pleasant and profitable: Wherein those that please, maye finde to fit their fancies: Bicause herein, by the office of the eie, and the eare, the minde maye reape dooble delighte throughe holsome preceptes, shadowed with pleasant deuises: both fit for the vertuous, to their incoraging: and for the wicked, for their admonishing and amendment

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Marte & arte.

To Sir William Standley Knight.
Where courage great, and consaile good doe goe,
With lastinge fame, the victorie is wonne:
But seperate theise, then feare the ouerthrowe,
And strengthe alone, dothe vnto ruine ronne:
Then Captaines good, must ioyne theise two, in one:
And not presume with this, or that, alone.
As valiant hartes, and corage highe beseeme,
The Captaines boulde, that enterprise for fame:
Soe muste they still, of pollicie esteeme,
And wisedomes rules, to bringe to passe the same:
While Cæsar great, subdude the countries farre:
In gowne at home, did Tvllie helpe to warre.
Vlisses wise, and Diomedes forme,
Are heare set downe, for valiant wightes to viewe:
The one deuis'de, the other did performe,
Whereby, they did the Troiane force subdue:
The one, his foes with witte, and counsaile harm'de,
The other, still him selfe againste them arm'de.