University of Virginia Library

To the READER.

Reader , peruse this thorow: For, to Thee
It most pertains, though WESTROW named be;
And, gives (as by the way) some short hints, there,
To what Intents, He, chiefly doth appear,
And whereof, if good heed shall not be took
Somwhat, ere long, more fully will be spoke.
Both Moses, and the Prophets, many a day
Have spoken; and a Greater one then they.
Hear them: For when GOD sendeth by the DEAD,
His Messages will come with much more Dread
Then Comfort; and few men, with good effect,
Shall hear these, the former do neglect.
Be wise, or else; But, Ile, now say no more,
The Feet of messengers are at the door.