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Girt by a crowd of Monarchs, of whose fame
Scarce a memorial lives, who fought and reigned
While the historic lamp shed glimmering light,
Above the rest one regal port aspired,
Crowned like Assyria's princes; not a crest
O'ertopped him save the giant Seraphim.
His countenance, more piercing than the beam
Of the sun-gazing eagle, earthward bent
Its haught, fierce majesty tempered with awe.
Seven years with brutish herds had quelled his pride,
And taught him there 's a mightier King in Heaven.
His powerful arm founded old Babylon,
Whose bulwarks like the eternal mountains heaved
Their adamantine heads, whose brazen gates
Beleaguering nations foiled, and bolts of war,
Unshaken, answered as the pelting hail.
House of the Kingdom! glorious Babylon!
Earth's marvel, and of unborn time the theme!
Say where thou stood'st:—or, can the fisherman
Plying his task on the Euphrates, now,
A silent, silver, unpolluted tide,
Point to thy grave, and answer? From a sash
O'er his broad shoulder hung the ponderous sword,
Fatal as sulphurous fires to Nineveh,
That levelled with her waves the walls of Tyrus
Queen of the Sea, to its foundations shook
Jerusalem, and reaped the fields of Egypt.