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The Fear of Madness. —Lucretia Maria Davidson.

There is a something which I dread;
It is a dark, a fearful thing;
It steals along with withering tread,
Or sweeps on wild destruction's wing.
That thought comes o'er me in the hour
Of grief, of sickness, or of sadness;
'Tis not the dread of death,—'tis more,—
It is the dread of madness.
Oh! may these throbbing pulses pause,
Forgetful of their feverish course;
May this hot brain, which, burning, glows
With all a fiery whirlpool's force,
Be cold, and motionless, and still,
A tenant of its lowly bed;
But let not dark delirium steal—

These lines, expressing her fears of insanity, were written by this interesting girl while confined to her bed in the last stage of consumption. They were unfinished, and the last she ever composed.—
