University of Virginia Library

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Admission, terms of  24 
Agricultural Department  48 
Agricultural Engineering  37 
Alumni Society, officers of  57 
Alumni Associations, officers of  57 
Board of Visitors 
Boarding Houses  56 
Catalogue of Students 
Degrees, Acadethic  52 
Degrees, Professional  53 
Discipline  59 
Districts, State Appointments of  62 
Donations to the University, Endowment
of Professorships, &c. 
Examinations  49 51 
Expenses  54 
Faculty, Instructors, and Officers 
Farmers' Scholarships  40 
Friends of Temperance, University,
Council of 
Gifts to Library  63 
Gifts to Department of Mineralogy and
and Geology 
Gifts to Department of Applied Chemistry  64 
Graduates, 1874, List of  19 
Graduates, Titled, 1874, List of  22 
Hebrew, Class in  27 
Infirmary  56 
Late Entrance  56 
Law Department  45 
Lectures, Scheme of  50 
Library  57 63 
Licentiates  50 
Literary and Scientific Department  26 
Literary Societies  59 
Matriculation  24 
Medical Department  41 
Mineralogy and Geology  34 
Mode of applying for State Appointments  61 
Morality and Religion  59 
Numbers in the Several Schools  16 
Pharmacy, Practical  42 
Political Economy, Class in  29 
Post Office 
Privileged Students  57 
Proficients 1874, List of  17 
Prohibition of Credit  56 
Public Day  54 
Recapitulation of Number of Students
from Different States and Countries 
Sanskrit, Class in  26 
School of Applied Mathematics, Engineering
and Architecture 
School of Analytical and Agricultural
School of General and Applied Chemistry  34 
School of Greek  26 
School of History, Literature and
School of Latin  26 
School of Mathematics  31 
School of Modern Languages  27 
School of Moral Philosophy  28 
School of Natural Philosophy  32 
School of Natural History and Agriculture  39 
State Scholarships  61 
State Appointments  61 
University Scholarships  60 
Withdrawal  56 
Young Men's Christian Association  59