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A meetinge of Comittees helde at Sr Thomas Smithℯ by order from the Virginia Courte 18th: March 1619
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A meetinge of Comittees helde at Sr Thomas Smithℯ by order
from the Virginia Courte 18th: March


Sr Thomas Smith.  mr Wrote.  mr Edwardℯ. 
Sr Thomas Gates.  mr Keightley.  mr Cranmer. 
Sr Thomas Wroth.  mr Caninge.  mr Berblock. 
Sr Nath: Rich.  Capt Tucker.  mr Casewell. 
mr Alder: Iohnson.  mr Essington. 
mr Tho: Gibbes. 

This Comittee meetinge by order from the Virginia Courte tooke into
considerac̃on the 3 poyntes referred vnto them.

ffor Tobacco wch is ∥priuately∥ said to be pryvately planted contrary
to the Kings prohibic̃on by Proclamac̃on, they now agree to entertaine
Henry Mansell to be an intelligencer and to give direccons and Instruc-
c̃ons to p̳ceed by acquaintinge a Iustice therwith & then bringinge his


name to the Counsell and mr Iacob, wch mr Iacobb hath p̳mised to
p̳secute itt, and preferr a bill against him in the Star Chambr and so
for every informac̃on iustly preferred and wch shall be within 5 milles
of London and proveth true they hold itt requisite for the encourrag-
ing of him to give him xs equally to be paid by the Companies of Vir-
ginia and the Sumer Ilandℯ, and if hee vppon occasion rode further
then the 2 Companies to beare his Charge and reward him as they see
cause, and therfore have concluded that hee shall be bound vnto them
to doe faythfull service wthout any conivencie vppon paine of a strict
pennaltie to be otherwise imposed vppon him and to that end itt is held
convenyent that his continuance herein be durante bene placito.
for Tobacco pry-
uately planted
heer in England
Henry Mansell to
be an intelligencer
Mr Iacobb to pros-
ecute itt

To the second poynte of mytegacon of ymposic̃on

mytegac̃on of im-

After some dispute mr Alderman Iohnson and mr Cranmer was
entreated when they rise to goe to mr Iacobb who had reason to
respect them consideringe the pryveledge of their Pattent and the
manner of his graunt by easinge and releivinge them in the Taxac̃on
of their Tobacco, wch if hee refuse, yt then my Lord of Warwicke, Sr
Tho: Roe, Sr Nath: Rich, and others be entreated to deliver from the Compa: such reasons to the Kinge for mitagac̃on thereof as they have
sett downe in the petic̃on to his Maty consideringe that the buisines
doth not concerne the Kingℯ profitt butt mr Iacobbs.

mr Alder: Iohnson
& mr Cranmer to
goe to mr Iacobb.

Thirdly for the Sale of Goods

Sale of Goodℯ 3
for defrayinge
of ye Charge of
fraught both olde
& new shalbe
sould &c

Itt is agreed by these Comittees yt for the defrayinge of the p̢sent charge
of fraight Custome, and Impost of Tobacco both olde and new, wch
is com from Virginia from those of the Magazine shalbe sould to those
that will vnderwrite for such quantitie as they shall thinke fittinge not
vnder the quantitie of 500: pound waight for any one man to write
vppon these Condic̃ons.

  • Att ye rate of ijs vjd the pound to pay 12d in hand for ye defrayinge of
    fraught Custome, and Imposte, and to pay the resydue the 25th of March
  • To take two thirds of the ould and ⅓ of the new or as itt shall fall out
    in quantity and p̳porc̃on
  • To discount vnto themselvs halfe a Capitall of the first years Adventure.
  • To give their bills to Sr Thomas Smith, & mr Alder̃: Iohnson who


    stand engaged for those of the Magazine and they to give their severall
    bills each to other for the vse of the said Magazine. [93]

And they to order and Condition of brokes longe since made touch-
inge ye said Magazine shall stand firme of every man wthout alteringe
or revocac̃on and that a Preamble of this order shalbe sent to the
Adventurers that such as are willinge vppon the foresaid Condic̃on
shall vnderwrite theire names & quantity wch they shalbe pleased to
§ buy & § take out.

A Preamble of this
order to be sent to
ye Aduenturers.

Concerninge the difference of ffishinge betweene the South, and No:
Collony itt pleased mr Thr̃er to signifie that although hee was very
vnwillinge by reason of the multitude of other buisinesses, yett hee
and the Comittee had intended the Lo: Duke and the Lo: of Arundle,
and therwas for the other side Sr Ferd: Gorge and others, where dis-
putinge the matter before their Lops: they pleased neither to allow nor
disalowe entirely the one parte or the other butt sett downe & order
as seemed fittest to their Lops: for the obteyninge a Coppy wherof
they now appoynted the secretary to repare to Sr Clement Edmondℯ
and desire itt of him in the name of the Compa: & appoynted him to
give his Clarke his ffee.

Mr Thr̃er reporte
of ye Order sett
downe by ye Los:
concerninge the difference of fish-
inge between ye
So: and No: Col-
The Secretary to
repare to Sr Clem-
ent Edmondℯ.

Hee further acquainted them of 2 things more to be p̱formed for the
publique the one a Charter to be sent to Sr George Yeardley to be
published throughout the seu9all Burroughs and Hundreds that they
apply not themselvs wholly to Tobacco wch will faile them and ouer
throw the generall Plantacon butt to other Staple Comodities of
which they have notice, wch beinge ingrossed and read was ratefyed
by ereccon of hands

a Charter to be
sent to Sr Georg
Yeardley wch be-
inge read was rati-

The other that wheras an Asperc̃on was laide vppon him by some
that hee deteyneth matter from the Company and imparteth them
onely to the Councell wch is not true for hee hath procured more then
once the Gouernors ɫres to the Counsell and theirs to him to be read
openly in Courte, yett hee sayth that the Gouernor hath given cause
of yt blame by dyrectinge still his ɫres to the Counsell, wch although
hee hath reprehended him for itt by his pryvate letter, yett itt would
not doe amise that a generall ɫre from the Courte be sent him, that


hee may better vnderstand his error, and hereafter write aswell to the
Company as to the Counsell, wch they thought to be very necessarie,
whervppon they have entreated mr Thr̃er, Sr Iohn Dauers, mr Wrote,
mr Gibbes, and mr Herbert, to meet att mr Thr̃erℯ house vppon fry-
day morninge for p̱formance of itt, wch done might be read to the
Courte to be approved and signed.
Mr Tr̃ ers answere
to an Aspersion
laide vppon him
for deteyninge
matter from ye
Company & im-
partinge them to
ye Councell.
A Letter to be
written to ye Gou-

Hee also signified that Sr George Yeardley desyreth of them for the
good of the Colony that a navigac̃on might be sent vpp wch would
produce good benefitt to the Plantac̃on, and to that end nomynateth
vnto them one Marmaduke Rayner who is willinge to goe if they
please to give him his passage, wch man beinge allso well knowne
vnto Sr Tho: Roe, hee gave very good com̃endac̃ons of him, wher-
vppon itt was agreed vppon the tearms menc̃oned hee should be sent.

Navigc̃aon to be sent
Marmaduk Ray-
ner appoynted

Thomas Gibbes esqr by two severall bills assigned vnto two of his
sonns mr Edmund, and Tho: Gibbes Iunior ij single Shares one to each
of them of 12li:10s: the share, wch the Auditors haveinge approved the
Courte now confirmed beinge putt to the question by ereccon of
hands. [94]

Tho: Gibbes 2
shares to two of
his sonnes.

Capt Iohn Bargraue assigned two shares vnto Mr Robert Briggs which
vppon the like approbac̃on was allowed as the former.

Capt Io: Bargraue
2 shares to mr
Robert Briggs.

Vppon the request of Stephen Sparrow itt was agreed yt Mr Aliano
Lupo who haveinge beene a planter in Virginia for 9 years past &
there continuinge shalbe made free and have the proporconable rate
of one hundred Acres of Land alotted him like as to other Adventurors.
As allso that the saide Stephen Sparrow att his owne charge trans-
ported three men to Virginia for whom wm Webb received the monny
as hee witnesseth vizd: Iohn Slater, and Iohn Powell in the George
in October 1617 & wm Thisselton in the wm: and Thomas, in August
1618, whervppon itt was agreed accordinge to his desire that for the
said 3 men hee should have 150 Acres of Land.

Mr Aliano Lupo to
be made free & to
haue 100 Acres of
and for 3 men
transported by mr
Sparrow 150 Acres.

Walter Eldred produced to the Courte ye will of Thomas Hodges in
wch will hee hath given vnto the said Walter Eldred 3 single Shares of
12li:10s wch appearinge to the Courte he dyed wthout issue, as also


that by the said will hee was sole executor the Courte now gave al-
lowance therof and soe was admitted into this Societie.
Walter Eldred 3
shares confirmed
to him & made a
free brother.

Wheras vppon the petic̃on of Agnes Nichollℯ mother to one Henry
Dauies who did goe the Voyadge to Virginia wth the Lord Lawarr in
1616 and att six moneths after his landinge hee there dyed as by cer-
tificate from Samuell Tubman may appear, itt was agreed vppon the
said petic̃on and certificate that Susan Hamond the only sister and
heire of ye saide Henry Dauies shall have the Land due vnto him
vppon his p̱sonall adventure.

Susan Hamond to
haue ye land due
to Henry Dauies
her brother.

fforasmuch as divers petic̃ons are to be read and some other buisines
to be p̱formed before Depture of the Ship, itt was agreed that Mun-
day afternoone next shalbe an extraordinary Courte.

A Courte to be