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Graduate instruction in Romanic Languages is given by Professor Richard
H. Wilson, Professor Bardin, Professor Graham, Professor Abbot, Associate
Professor Mellor, Associate Professor Rinetti, Assistant Professor Woody,
Dr. Galbán, Dr. Garlick and Mr. Lee.

I. General Investigation

Groups meet two hours a week throughout the year. One to twenty students.
Lectures, translation, discussion, reports, examinations—in the English language.

1. Method. Theses and dissertations: Choice of subject, bibliography,
scope of investigation, collection of material, shaping, preparation for printer.
Three groups:

  • a. French Group. Wilson. (D1, D6)

  • b. Spanish Group. Bardin. (D2)

  • c. Italian Group. Rinetti. (D12)

2. Language and Literature: From Latin to Romance. The historical
developments of French, Spanish, Italian, and Provençal. Reading and translation
of Old French, Old Spanish, Old Italian, and Old Provençal. The


Page 95
rise of Portuguese. Portuguese compared to Spanish. The mythology and
geography of Camoens. Reading and translation of the Lusiads. Five

  • a. Old French phonology, morphology, literature. Mellor. (D7)

  • b. Old Spanish phonology, morphology, literature. Mellor. (D8)

  • c. Old Italian phonology, morphology, literature. Mellor. (D9)

  • d. Old Provençal phonology, morphology, literature. Mellor. (D10)

  • e. Camoens and the rise of Portugese. Bardin. (D5)

3. History: Romanic elements of American Colonial History. French,
Spanish and Italian influences. One group, at present occupied with Virginia:

The Romanic Heritage of Virginia. Garlick. (D11)

II. Specific Investigation

Groups meet one hour a week throughout the year. One to ten students. Lectures,
translation, discussion, reports, examinations—in the French language, or
the Spanish language, or the Italian language, according to the subject involved.

1. Wilson. French. Lecturer and Group investigate the general tendencies
of French thought (as influenced by Pascal), French elements in early
American ideology (as advanced by Rousseau), the French novel (as built
by Balzac), the French prose epic (as exploited by Hugo), and French
temperament (as portrayed by Alphonse Daudet). Five groups:

  • a. The Attitude of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Emile). (C1)

  • b. Alphonse Daudet (5 to 25 volumes, according to size of groups). (C6)

  • c. Balzac's Work (5 to 25 volumes, according to size of group). (C9)

  • d. Victor Hugo as a novelist (Notre Dame de Paris, les Misérables,
    les Travailleurs de la Mer
    ). (C11)

  • e. The Bearings of Pascal (Pensées). (C17)

2. Bardin. Spanish. Lecturer and Group investigate the forms and
ideology of the theatre of the Golden Age (as represented by Lope de Vega),
the Renaissance spirit (of Cervantes), the contra-reforma attitude (of Tirso
de Molina), the poetical application of Neo-Platonism (in Calderón), conservative
modern social criticism (as set forth in Pereda), liberal social
criticism (in Galdós), and radical social criticism (advanced by Baroja).
Seven groups.

  • a. Lope de Vega (10 plays). (C2)

  • b. Tirso de Molina and the Don Juan legend (8 plays and comparative
    literature of Don Juan). (C5)

  • c. Calderón de la Barca and his tendency toward mysticism (10 plays).

  • d. The novels of Benito Pérez Galdós (6 novels). (C16)

  • e. The novels of José María de Pereda (6 novels). (C12)

  • 96

    Page 96
  • f. The novels of Pío Baroja (9 to 27 novels, according to size of group).

  • g. Cervantes (Quijote, Novelas Ejemplares, and portions of the Theatre,
    the Galatea, and Persiles and Segismunda). (D3)

3. Graham. French. Lecturer and Group investigate the form, material,
treatment, and psychological atmosphere of the short story (as established
by Maupassant). One group:

Maupassant and the short story (5 to 15 volumes, according to size of
group). (C3)

4. Abbot. French. Lecturer and Group study Rabelais as a humanist,
Corneille and Racine as exemplars of classicism, and Molière as the embodiment
of French common sense. Three groups:

  • a. Molière (20 plays). (C4)

  • b. Corneille and Racine (16 plays). (C23)

  • c. Rabelais (first two books). (D4)

5. Mellor. French. Lecturer and Group investigate problems in the
origin of classicism as presented by minor writers, the Pléiade, and Montaigne.
One group:

Montaigne, the Pléiade, and minor writers of the Sixteenth Century.

6. Rinetti. Italian. Lecturer and Group investigate the salient tendencies
of the Italian Renaissance, Petrarch in his relations to Humanism, and
Dante in his general relation to medieval thought. Three groups:

  • a. The Italian Renaissance. (C22)

  • b. Petrarch (il Canzoniere.) (C20)

  • c. Dante (la Divina Commedia). (C21)

7. Woody. Spanish. Lecturer and Group investigate the social forces
of modern Spain, as set forth in the theatre of Benavente, Martinez Sierra,
Linares Rivas, Marquina, and the Quintero brothers. One group:

Contemporary Spanish Theatre (30 plays). (C14)

8. Galbán. Spanish. Lecturer and Group investigate the national characteristics
of the Spanish short story (from Juan Manuel to the present day),
the españolismo of Spain's literature in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries,
and the social psychology of contemporary Spanish-American literature
(as exhibited by Rubén Dario, Amado Nervo, and Manuel Ugarte).
Three groups:

  • a. The Spanish Short Story (45 stories). (C15)

  • b. Contemporary Spanish-American Literature (15 volumes). (C18)

  • c. Literature of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries in Spain (15
    authors). (C8)


Page 97

9. Lee. French. Lecturer and Group investigate certain aspects of
Nineteenth-Century poetry. One group:

DeMusset, Heredia and Baudelaire. (C7)


C1  Wilson,  Rousseau. 
C2  Bardin,  Lope. 
C3  Graham,  Maupassant. 
C4  Abbot,  Molière. 
C5  Bardin,  Tirso. 
C6  Wilson,  Daudet. 
C7  Lee,  Three XIX-Century Poets. 
C8  Galban,  XVIII and XIX Centuries in Spain. 
C9  Wilson,  Balzac. 
C10  Bardin,  Calderón. 
C11  Wilson,  Hugo. 
C12  Bardin,  Pereda. 
C13  Mellor,  XVI Century in France. 
C14  Woody,  Contemporary Spanish Theatre. 
C15  Galban,  Spanish Short Story. 
C16  Bardin,  Galdós. 
C17  Wilson,  Pascal. 
C18  Galban,  Contemporary Spanish-American Literature. 
C19  Bardin,  Baroja. 
C20  Rinetti,  Petrarch. 
C21  Rinetti,  Dante. 
C22  Rinetti,  The Italian Renaissance. 
C23  Abbot,  Corneille and Racine. 
D1  Wilson,  Theses. 
D2  Bardin,  Theses and Dissertations. 
D3  Bardin,  Cervantes. 
D4  Abbot,  Rabelais. 
D5  Bardin,  Camoens. 
D6  Wilson,  Dissertations. 
D7  Mellor,  Old French. 
D8  Mellor,  Old Spanish. 
D9  Mellor,  Old Italian. 
D10  Mellor,  Old Provençal. 
D11  Garlick,  The Romanic Heritage of Virginia. 
D12  Rinetti,  Theses and Dissertations. 

Time Schedule


Page 98
9:30 to 10:30  10:30 to 11:30  11:30 to 12:30  12:30 to 1:30 
Monday  Romance D7 (Old French)—  Romance C13 (French XVI Century)—  Romance D3 (Cervantes)—  Romance C4 (Molière)— 
Mellor  Mellor  Bardin  Abbot 
Romance C2 (Lope de Vega)—  Romance C23 (Corneille and Racine)— 
Bardin  Abbot. (Given in alternate years
with C4.) 
Romance C3 (Maupassant)— 
Tuesday  Romance C1 (Rousseau)—  Romance D1 (Theses)—  Romance D6 (Dissertations)—  Romance C14 (Contemporary Spanish
Wilson  Wilson  Wilson 
Romance C12 (Pereda)—  Romance D2 (Theses and Dissertations)—  Woody 
Bardin  Bardin  Romance D4 (Rabelais)— 
Romance D9 (Old Italian)—  Romance D8 (Old Spanish)—  Abbot 
Mellor  Mellor 
Romance D10 (Old Provençal)— 
Mellor. (Given in alternate years with
Wednesday  Romance D7 (Old French)—  Romance C5 (Tirso de Molina)—  Romance C15 (The Spanish Short
Romance C19 (Baroja)— 
Mellor  Bardin  Bardin 
Galbán  Romance C21 (Dante)— 
Thursday  Romance C6 (Daudet)—  Romance C20 (Petrarch)— .  Romance C11 (Hugo)—  ROMANIA 
Wilson  Rinetti  Wilson 
Romance C16 (Galdós)—  Romance D8 (Old Spanish)—  Romance C22 (The Italian Renaissance)—  Entire Romanic Faculty and all
Graduate Students 
Bardin  Mellor  Rinetti 
Friday  Romance D9 (Old Italian)—  Romance C10 (Calderón)—  Romance C8 (Spanish Lit. of the XVIII
and XIX Centuries)— 
Ormond G. Smith

French Room open to public 
Mellor  Bardin 
Romance D10 (Old Provençal)—  Romance D11 (Romanic Heritage of Virginia)—  Galbán 
Mellor. (Given in alternate years with
Romance D5 (Camoens)— 
Garlick  Bardin 
Romance C7 (Three XIX-Century
Saturday  Romance C9 (Balzac)—  Romance C17 (Pascal)—  The
William A. Lambeth

Italian Room open to public 
Wilson  Wilson 
Romance C18 (Contemporary Spanish-American
Romance D12 (Theses and
Galbán  Rinetti 


Page 99

The Master's Degree.—A varying number of Romance group courses,
ranging from six to ten hours a week throughout the year, a final oral examination,
and a thesis are prescribed for the master's degree. A candidate of average
ability and good training may absolve the requisite number of courses within
one year after the baccalaureate degree. The final oral examination, however,
embraces questions asked and answered in two Romanic languages; and the
candidate whose collegiate work represents one Romanic language only will find
it difficult to acquire in one year the supplementary language and absolve other
requirements. Further, the thesis must incorporate the results (elementary, at
least) of original investigation on the part of the candidate; and unless he already
have at the outset, or find very quickly, a promising subject of investigation, nine
months will prove insufficient for the work.

The Doctorate.—A verying number of Romance group courses, ranging
from fifteen to twenty, distributed over a period of three years after the baccalaureate
degree, are prescribed for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in
Romanic Languages. The final oral examination embraces questions asked and
answered in French, Spanish, and Italian. The scope and character of original
investigation presented by the candidate's dissertation must satisfy the Romanic
Faculty as a whole. To facilitate the acquisition of a speaking knowledge of the
third, or supplementary, Romanic language, candidates are granted the privilege
of optional attendance on any French, Spanish, or Italian course in the College.