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History B1: General European History from the Fall of the Roman
Empire in the West to the End of the World War.
—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3
session-hours. Recommended to first-year students.) Associate Professor

History B2: General History of the United States.—(B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours. Recommended to be taken in the second year, if possible.)
Associate Professor Malone.


Page 155

History B3: American History from the end of the Revolution to the end of
the War of Secession with emphasis upon the remote and proximate causes of
—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Dabney.

History C1: Moral, religious, intellectual and social development of Europe.
Two B courses, including B1, prerequisite. Professor Dabney.

History C2: Recent History of the United States. Two B courses
including either B2 or B3, prerequisite.
—A study of the period since the
Civil War, with particular emphasis upon the South, together with a survey
of the literature of American History as a whole and of recent developments
in American historical writing. (Not to be given the same year as History
C3.) Associate Professor Malone.

History C3: English and Colonial History: Two B courses, including B1,
—English History during the Tudor, Stuart and Hanoverian periods,
to the end of the Seven Years' War, together with American colonial developments
during the same time. (Not to be given the same year as History C2.)
Associate Professor Malone.

History D1: History of the Reconstruction of the Southern States.—
Two B courses, including B1, one C course, and a B.A. or B.S. degree prerequisite.
Hours by appointment. Professor Dabney.