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A Frenchman who had become notorious for the unerring certainty with which he won from all who ventured to play with him, at length found himself unable to induce persons to sit down to the table with him, there being not the slightest chance of winning against his play. After being thus idle for some time, an Englishman, who had heard of his triumphs, expressed his readiness to enter the lists against him. They sat down, and played for three hours without intermission, and at the end


of that time were exactly in the same position as when they begun. They at length paused to take some refreshment. `Sare,' said the Frenchman, in a sort of whisper, to a party who accompanied his antagonist, `your friend is a very clever man at de cards — deuced clever, sare.' `He is a very clever fellow,' observed the Englishman. `I shall try him again,' said Monsieur; and as he made the observation he proceeded to the room in which they had been playing, and which was fixed on as the scene of their continued contest. He had scarcely quitted the place when the other made his appearance, and observed that the Frenchman was the most skilful player he had ever met with. The parties again met, and the cards were again produced. The game was renewed at eleven o'clock, and continued without intermission till six o'clock on the following morning, at which time they found, to the surprise of each other, that they were still as they began. `Sare,' said the Frenchman, `you are the best player I ever met with.' `And you, Monsieur,' returned the other, `are the only gentleman I ever played with, from whom I could win nothing.' `Indeed, sare!' said Monsieur, hesitatingly. `It is a fact, I assure you.' `Sare,


I am quite astonished at your skill.' `And I'm not less so at yours, Monsieur.' `You're de most skilfullest man at de cards in England.' `Not while you are in it, Monsieur,' replied the Englishman, with a smile. `Sare, I cheated, and yet could not win from you!' remarked the Frenchman, hurriedly and with much emphasis, feeling it impossible any longer to conceal his surprise at the circumstance of being unable to play a winning game with the Englishman. `And, Monsieur, I did the same thing with you, and yet you are no loser!' remarked the other, with corresponding energy of tone.

The problem was thus solved: both had been cheating during the whole night, and were exactly equal in dexterity, both being unconscious of the dishonest practices of each other; and the result was that each got up from the table with the same amount of money as he had when he sat down. The cheats cordially shook hands, apparently much gratified that they had at length ascertained how it had happened that neither could pluck the other.