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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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438. Beatitude. 7. “Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called the children of God.”
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438. Beatitude. 7. “Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called the children of God.”


The world, since Adam fell, is stormy,
A “moral darkness” reigns around:
Injustice here provokes contention,
And there the shouts of warfare sound!
Fierce commotion! desolation!
Stretch'd to earth's remotest bound.


Some, who strive to stem the torrent,
Concord prizing, forward stand:
With the meek and quiet spirit,
These proclaim their Lord's command,
“Peace pursuing, love each other
In the great fraternal band!”


If they mark a brother wrathful,
(Wrath ascending from beneath!)
They dissension's fire augment not,
They the soothing whisper breathe;
Ever aiming, as befits them,
Discord's two-edg'd sword to sheathe!


If the world be toss'd with tumult,
Sons of Peace, in peace delight:
They, for wrongs, return no evil,
But, for evil, good requite:
In their heaven-illumin'd spirits,
There is joy, and there is light!


Such are children of the highest,
To their Father ever dear;
They shall reach the blissful regions
Where contentions disappear;
And, for ever, (full fruition!)
Banish'd are the sigh and tear.