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After Sunset.

Klingoling and a Faint Chorus.
Moon soon sets now;
Elves cradled on the bough.
Day's fays drop asleep;
Dreams through the forest creep.
When broadens the moonlight, we frolic and jest;
When darkles the forest, we sink into rest.
Shine, fine star above!
Love's come, happy love!
Haste, happy wedding night,
Full moon, round and bright!


And not till her circle is low in the west
We'll cease from our dancing, or couch us to rest!
Lute, mute fall thy strings!
Hush, every voice that sings!
Fade away, drowsy song,
Dim forest-aisles along!

Of all thy dear music a love-song is best!
Thou hushest—we're silent—we sink into rest.