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Female Poems On Several Occasions

Written by Ephelia. The Second Edition, with large Additions

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To his Letter.

Fly Paper, kiss those hands
Whence I am barr'd of late;
She quickly will unloose thy bands,
O wish me thine estate.
Appear unto her eyes,
Though they do burn to fumes;
For happy is the Sacrifice,
Which Heavenly Fire consumes.
Yet even too with this depart
With a soft dying breath;


Whisper the truths into her ear,
And take them on thy death.
Tell her how thou canst now,
New Oaths or give or take;
Or to repeat the former vow
We did each other make.
Say thou camest to complain,
But not of Love nor her;
But on my Fortune being fain
Thus absent to confer.
When thou hast offer'd this,
Perhaps then for thy pain
She will impart to thee a Kiss,
And read thee o'er again.
Perhaps when for my sake
Her Lips have made thee blest;


That so embalm'd thee, she will make
Thy Grave within her Brest.
Oh never then desire
To rise from such a doom:
Who would not leave his Life t'aspire
By Death to such a Tomb?
Then in thy Joys excess
Melt, languish, faint, and die:
For might I have so free access,
Sure even so would I.