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Divine Fancies

Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. By Fra: Quarles

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83. On the change of Pharoe's fortunes.

Observe what peace great Pharo's kingdom found
while Ioseph liv'd; what prosprous blessings cround
His happy dayes! Heav'ns plague-inflicting hand
Was then a stranger to his peacefull Land:
Peace was entayl'd upon his Royall Throne;
His Land had Plenty, when the World had none;


His full desiers over-flowd their Brim,
Favours came downe unask't, unsought by Him:
His Scepter flourish'd, from a God unknowne,
No need to trouble any of his owne:
While Ioseph liv'd, his Blessings had no end;
That God was his, whilst he was Iosephs Frend:
These temp'rall Blessings heav'n doth, often, share
Vnto the wicked, at the Good-mans Prayer:
But Ioseph dyes: And Iosephs Sons must fall
Beneath their Burthens, and be scourg'd withall;
Whilst Tyrant Pharoh's more severer hand
Keeps them laborious Pris'ners in his Land:
God oft permits his Children to be hurld
Into distresse, to weane them from the world:
But Pharohs Blessings alter with his Brow;
The budding Scepter's turn'd a Serpent now:
His Land must groan; her plagues must stil encrease,
Till Iacobs Off-spring shall find Iacobs peace;
Gods Children are the Apples of his Eye,
Whose touch is death, if being toucht, they cry:
Now Tyrant Pharoh dares no longer chuse,
Israel must goe: Pharoh repents, pursues;
Pharoh wants Brick; Pharoh, ere long, I feare,
Will find the purchase of his Brick too deare:
Moses holds forth his Rod: The Seas divide;
The Waves are turn'd to Walls on either side:
They passe secure; Pharoh pursues them still:
God leaves his Children to the brunt of Ill:
The Chariot-Wheeles flye off, the Harnesse cracks;
One wants a Nayle; the next, a Hammer lacks:
How Man is cross'd and puzzel'd in that Plott,
Where Heav'n denyes successe, and prospers not!


Moses holds forth his Rod: The Easterne wind
Calls backe the Tydes: The parted Waters ioynd,
And overwhelmd great Pharo' and Pharoes Host;
Mohe scapd to tell the newes: All drownd, and lost:
Thus thrives Rebellion: Plagues not doing good,
Oft-times conclude their Ceremony' in Blood:
Thus hardned hearts grow more and more obdure;
And Heav'n cuts off, when Earth is most secure.