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The Scourge of Folly

Consisting of satyricall Epigrams, And others in honour of many noble Persons and worthy friends, together, with a pleasant (though discordant) Descant upon most English Proverbs and others [by John Davies]

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Epig. 74. Of lasciuious Laurentia.

Corneus that Thessalian beautious Maide,
Who, rauished by Neptune (as it's said)
Obtaind to be transformed to a man,
And had the guift no edge could hurt her than.
Which transformation, and vvhich goodly guift
Laurentia hath obtaind: for, she can shift
As vvell as Men, and Master her good-Man,
And fight, and scratch, and svveare, stare, curse, and ban:
And, for her flesh, it's of such perfect proofe,
No weapon hurt it can, it is so tuffe,
But, euery vveapon that on it dare venter,
Tvvill spoile it quite if in the same it enter.
Then, they that loue their Weapens, wealth and honor,
Draw rather on a Piller than vpon her.