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[Chronicle of Fabyan]

[by Robert Fabyan

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[To you my Aungellys/this precept ye assure]

To you my Aungellys/this precept ye assure
This prynce that is so yonge/and tender of age
That ye entende and do your besy Cure
To kepe and saue hym/from all maner damage
In his lyfe here/durynge all his age
That his Renowne/may sprede and shyne ferre
And of his two Realmes/to cease the mortall warre.
And I wyll ferther/as I shewe to hym here
Fulfyll hym with Ioye/and worldly habundaunce
And with length/of many and holsome yere
I shall comfort/and helpe/with all pleasaunce
And of his lieges/to haue faythfull obeysaunce
And also multyply/and encrease his lyne
And cause his nobles/thorugh the worlde to shyne.