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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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The XVI. Chapter.


That is/that Playne-and-iust, hath God created Man/
To thend he shoulde serue Him, in all vpright

Gen. [illeg.]


To liue therin for euer, in Ioye and sweete Delightfulnes:
As likewyse, in all Loue, and reasonable Nature/
In Gods true Obedience, as Gods very Figure:
Cleaueing to the Trueth, that to the Lyfe doth all men gode.
And that is Gods Kingdom, voyde of Trembling & of Pryde/
Which God hath geeuen,

Luk. [illeg.]

into the Mans Hart/

When from he hath turned, to his greeuous Smart.
All which this Playe doth showe you (if it be wel regarded)
As also the Mans Wickednes, wherwith he is rewarded/
To sing as he, without Gods Kingdom, wandring doth remayne.
Thus marke ye Mynde, that is to thee, rehearsed breef

Math. [illeg.]. Mat. 1.a. Luk. 1.a. 24. Act. 3. 4. [illeg.].

& playne,

And [illeg.] repent thee for tho Synnes, to thy Iustification:
To thend that thou mayst com, in right Humiliacion
To the Kingdom of God, full of all Loue so meeke/


Fill of Ioye,

Ro. 14.b.

full of Lyfe and full of Concord e[illeg.]e:

Full of Trueth of Righteousnes, and of Peace too.
Thus do thou still as thou wouldst,

To[illeg.]. 4.b. Math. 7.b.

that men to thee should doe:

For to the Entrance into the Kingdom, thats the only Waye.


O Good informacion, I thanke thee what I maye,
Both for thy good Instruction, and fruitfull Exhortation.
But while we stande yet heere, together in Communicacion,
Somwhat more I must yet afte thee, euen bolde and ernestly:
Is it possible I pray thee, such great Deceite to occupy,
And so many wyly Snares, to laye in such a sort,
As this Playe hath now heer, made to vs Report,
Through Unregarding and Good thinkings Spirit or Goste?

O Yea no dout: and they can deceaue them moste,
Which seeme to be both

2. Tim. 3.a. 2. Pe[illeg.]. 2.b.

wyse, and honorable also/

Lykewyse, the Highmynded and Enuyous, a[illeg.]o/
As also many Simpleones, with their crafty Suttletyes.
Euen thus they bring Men dayly, into many Miseryes:
And likewyse into Dissencion, one-another much disdayning/
Into Hatrid or Enuy, so that Pryde in them is raigning:

[illeg.] Tess. 2.b.

Loue, and her Righteousnes, euen altogether comtemning.

This perceaue I well now, after my simple Comprehending.
But yet one Poynt more, ful gladly know I woulde.

What Poynt is thatt?


I harde, that Unregarding, and Good-thinking, shoulde
Boldly presume ; with their suttle Snares or wyly Slights;
To seduce all sort, of People, with pleasant vayne Delights:
Also the Great knowers, in all what they deuise/
The Scriptur-leared-sort, and the worldly wyse:
And woulde bring them all into Errour, such was their Intent.
How shall I vnderstande thatt, I praye thee?


Consider of the Mynde, that this Playe doth heere present.
And I wil name them to thee ; whom they deceaue; by and-by.

Yea/who be they?

The Supposeing-true-sayers, that

Ier. 8.a. 23.a. 27.b. Ezec. 13.a. 14.a 34.a. Mich. 3.

euermore do lye:

All those that are largly, clothed with Self-will:
All, which cruell Enuy, do vtter from them still:
Those/that ; by false Deuices; the name wil seeme to haue/
That they haue fild themselues, full of Wisdom graue.
Who are also rightly rehearst, by Good-thinking a fore sayde.
All those likewyse that bost them: they are free, it is all payde:
And so choose to heare counterfeit Teachers, to follow after Sitch/
After whose deceitfull Doctrine/

Tim. 4.a.

their Eares do dayly itch:

Also all, that from the Doctrine of the Loue are turned.
Likewyse all corrupt Heartes, of the Scripture-learned:
All those that with Anger, from their Elder do depart/
And his Doctrine of Loue ; to ye worst; do spred and peruert.
Also all, that are

2. Pet. 2.b. ludæ. 1.b.

turned, to such Falshod, very naught/

And suppose ; in such a Standing; of God for to be taught/
And wil not be touched, by the seruiceable Worde/
Wherby to learne to taste, the Loue, and her Accorde/
Wher-from they are quyt estranged, robbed, and blyndly leadd.
All those that haue not Christ, with his Loue,

Ephe. 2.b. 5.c.

for their Headd/

But are so vtterly deafe, that they ; as the most Nomber;
Haste their Course-of lyfe/after the worldly Maner/
And yet thinke they haue the Best, in their Hearts within.


All these false good-thinking Sinagogs ; full of Sinne;
Which without Water and

Iohn 5.

Spirit, byde vnregenerate/

And ; with Falshod; set-foorth/

Esa 32.b. Ier. 7.c.

their Good-thinking, to ymitate/

Becom both Soule and Bodye, seduced into Hell/
With all their Like-companions, before rehearsed well:
Together with all those, that with such Falshod do aryse/
And ; vnprepared; go to teache, as if that they were wyse/
Who with their fonde Deuices, their Foolishnes bewraye/
And do nothing but ensue, the Distruction, daye-by-daye.


Yea, all this vna[illeg.]dly [illeg.]rue, that are puffed-vp on-[illeg.]
All that shewe fayer Countenance, with holy Showe to Th[illeg.]
And turne them not about, to becom like

Math. 1[illeg.]

a little Childe/

(To Gods heauenly Kingdom) to be taught end reconcilde:
Also all that ; with Dispitfulnes; gainst Anyone wil enuaye:
Those which ; against the Loue; force Others to confesse and saye:
Another kynde of Fayeth, then their Hearts alowt or Testifye:
Those that vex any Conscience, gainst Loue, or christian Charitye:
Those that ; with Uiolence; set-forth their Religion, for ye Best:
All these are bred & brought, out of Good-thinkings wicked Nest:
Though by anyones Extolling, they seeme neuer so wyse to show.