University of Virginia Library


Ic seah in healle, þær hæleð druncon,
on flet beran feower cynna,
wrætlic wudutreow ond wunden gold,
sinc searobunden, ond seolfres dæl
ond rode tacn, þæs us to roderum up
hlædre rærde, ær he helwara
burg abræce. Ic þæs beames mæg
eaþe for eorlum æþelu secgan;
þær wæs hlin ond acc ond se hearda iw
ond se fealwa holen; frean sindon ealle
nyt ætgædre, naman habbað anne,
wulfheafedtreo, þæt oft wæpen abæd
his mondryhtne, maðm in healle,
goldhilted sweord. Nu me þisses gieddes
ondsware ywe, se hine on mede
wordum secgan hu se wudu hatte.