University of Virginia Library



Among the flowers of sentiment
Which form this bright boquet,
The humble tribute I present
May claim a place—for it is meant
My friendship to portray.
But be it not, I pray, united
With hyacinth or yew,
Emblems, alas! of friendship slighted,
Of pure affection unrequited,
And cold indifference too.
But let the offering bloom beside
The muse's eglantine—
Between the lalac's purple pride,
And one more delicately dyed,
The fragrant jessamine.


For we, in these, the emblem trace,
Of poesy and youth,
And that inestimable grace
Which guards the heart, and lights the face
Of modesty and truth.
The constant myrtle may be near,
The timid violet too,
The amaranth, to virtue dear,
And the sweet rose, which all revere,
Of thee, an emblem true.
But let no cold narcissus bloom,
Dear maid, to blight the rest;
For, ah! self-love is sure to doom
Our virtues to an early tomb,
If cherish in the breast.