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The Splendor of Jehovah.
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The Splendor of Jehovah.

Jehovah! reigns!
O earth, bloom forth in smiles;
Be glad, ye rivers, hills and plains;
Rejoice, O multitude of isles!


He reigns alone,
Around Him folding clouds and night;
The dwelling-places of His throne
Are justice and eternal right.
Before Him runs a fire
That burneth up his foes;
His lightning through creation goes,
And earth recoils before his ire;
Yea, hills and mountains melt apace
Beneath the splendor of His face.
The heavens declare His holiness;
The nations see His glory shine;
The heathen bow in humbleness;
The gods of every alien shrine
Acknowledge Him divine.
Jerusalem makes mirth;
Her daughters sing in sweet accord
Because Thou comest, Lord,
To judge the earth.
For high above the world art Thou,
Yea, high above the skies
And greater than the graven lies
Whereto the heathen bow.
O ye who love His name,
I pray you hate all sinfulness;
So shall He guard when foemen press,
And save your souls from flame.


The righteous walk in fields of light,
In pastures lit by dazzling suns;
Yea, wondrous beams of glory smite
The ways of upright ones.
O spirits pure and lowly,
Rejoice! make jubilee!
For Yahveh giveth you to see
How great He is and holy.