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Under a late act of the Legislature, students from Virginia over eighteen years of
age are, on examination, admitted into the Academic Schools without being required
to pay tuition fees therein.

The expenses of such students, exclusive of text-books, clothing, and pocket-money,
will be—

For those who board, from  $232 to $259. 
For those who mess,  $205.00. 

By authority of the General Assembly, the following regulations have been adopted
by the Board of Visitors as to the General and Special Examinations for admission of
Virginia students into the University:

General Examination.

Applicants are required to pass, once for all, to entitle them to matriculation, on
their first coming to the University, an examination in the English language and in
Arithmetic. In English, they will be required to show both a practical knowledge of the
language, as proved by orthography and by correctness in composition, and a theoretical
knowledge of the Inflections and Syntax. In Arithmetic, they will be required to
know the elementary processes, Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, Proportion, and the
metric system of Denominate Numbers.

Special Examinations.

After passing the General Examination, the Virginia students who desire to study
Latin, Greek, Mathematics, or History and Literature, will be required to pass the following
Special Examinations for each school:

I. For admission to the School of Latin—the full knowledge of the Inflections of
the language will be rigorously demanded; besides this, acquaintance with the elementary
principles of Syntax, and ability to translate any passage from Books I and II of
Cæsar's Commentaries, or from Cicero's four orations against Catiline.

II. For admission to the School of Greek—a full and exact knowledge of the Attic
Inflections, especially of the verb, will be rigorously demanded; besides this, acquaintance
with the elementary principles of Syntax, and ability to translate any passage
from the first two books of Xenophon's Anabasis.

III. For admission to the school of Mathematics—the knowledge of Algebra, embracing
the fundamental operations, simple and quadratic equations, and proportion,
and the first three books of Plane Geometry.

IV. For admission to the School of History and Literature: For the Class of History
—Modern Geography, and an Elementary History of Greece, Rome, the United States
or England; for the Class of Literature—an Elementary History of England.

For admission to the other Academic Schools, not specified above, only the General
Examination will be required. The preparation required for the advanced classes,
Iutermediate or Senior, in the several schools, is shown by the courses laid down in the


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The examinations of Academic Students from Virginia, over eighteen years of age,
for admission under the late act of the Legislature, will be held on the 26th, 27th, 28th,
and 29th of September.

All students that intend to apply for examination under the law are urged to report
themselves promptly to the Chairman of the Faculty before the beginning of the session,
(1st of October.) Those that come later, after the work of the session has begun, will
of necessity be subjected to inconvenience and delay.

The time of the special examinations will be fixed by the several professors, each for
his own school.

The Faculty of the University, prompted by their experience of the preliminary examinations
of the present session, wish most earnestly to call the attention of the public,
and especially of their brother teachers in Virginia, to the importance of accuracy and
thoroughness in the elements of education, especially in English orthography and composition,
in elementary geography and history, in arithmetic, and in the inflections of
the classical languages. Students that are well grounded in these elementary studies
can do well from the first, and can advance themselves steadily from class to class; but
looseness and inaccuracy of knowledge in these lead only to prolonged and disheartening
failure. The stress of the preliminary examinations will, therefore, be laid upon accuracy
in elementary knowledge.

Note.—In the schools of Greek and Mathematics, young men are advised to prepare
themselves at least for the intermediate classes.