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MARCH Ye—XXIXth: ANNo DOM̃: 1620
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MARCH Ye—XXIXth: ANNo DOM̃: 1620


mr Thr̃er.  mr Wrote.  mr Caswell. 
Sr Tho: Roe.  mr Herbert.  mr Bull. 
Sr Io: Dauers.  mr Ed: Gibbes.  mr Pallavicine. 
Sr ffer: Gorge.  mr Tho: Gibbes Iunior mr Meuerell. 
Sr Tho: Wroth.  mr Edwa: Smith.  mr Robertℯ. 
Sr Io: Wolstenholme.  mr Keightley.  mr Sparrowe. 
Sr Nath: Rich.  mr Bearblock.  mr George Smith. 
mr Alder: Iohnson.  mr Cranmer.  mr Baldwin. 
mr Iohn Wroth.  mr Briggs.  mr Mellynge. 
mr Chr: Brooke.  mr Palmer.  mr Newporte. 
mr Tho: Gibbes.  mr Caninge.  mr Arundell. 
mr Deputy.  mr Rogers.  and many others. 

Wheras accordinge to the aboue written order munday afternoone
last was apoynted for an extraordinary Courte, mr Thr̃er signified that
when the same was warned hee hard that att the same time therwas
a Courte for the Som̃er Ilandℯ, therefore imagininge that the Com-
panies beinge to be so seuered itt would be the hinderance of them
both, hee was willinge that the Virginia Courte should be dismiste.

A Virginia Courte
dismiste in respect
therwas held one
for ye So: Ilandℯ.

The order beinge read wherin Sr Nath: Rich signified what had beene
done vppon the Companies request to generall Cecill about an Enginer
to be sent to Virginia hee now reported that haveinge beene since wth
him hee findes that wheras hee pitched of a ffrenchman hee thinks
he shall be deceaved, Butt if the worst fall out that hee cannott
help them to a fitt hee will sett downe such p̱ticularr direcc̃ons and
instrucc̃ons for them to p̳ceed as they shall easilie p̱forme itt; More-
ouer hee said that hee had spoken to another who tould him that
hee knew of a very sufficient man for his purpose a Captain in the
Low Countries, who vppon intelligence hee is sure would sell his


place to serve this Company beinge the thinge wch err now himselfe
hath desyred ffor wch the Courte gave Sr Nath: Rich thankes desyr-
inge that hee in the Lowe Countries may have notice therof, whose
service they shall well esteeme and that in the meane time hee would
be pleased to procure accordinge to his relac̃on of Generall Cecill
those direcc̃ons & Instrucc̃ons he hath promised that they be sent in
this Ship to the Inhabitants to give them some p̱t of sattisfacc̃on wch
hee hath p̳mised shalbe p̱formed.
Sr Nath: Rich his
reporte from Gen-
erall Cecill touch-
ing an Engineer.

The busines att the last ordinary Courte referred to a Comittee to
meete att Sr Tho: Smithℯ wch accordingly they did and there Agree-
ment of the 3: pointes now presented in writinge was after publique
readinge beinge putt to the question allowed and agreed haveinge
dependancy to an order in the said Courte to be amongst the rest of
the Acts recorded being this wch followeth. [92]

The buisines re-
ferrd to a Comit-
tee at a former
Courte allowed.