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Page 383


[Page 42.]

At a County Court held at Cambridge, April 1, 1656.

Jno. Glover[1] Gent. Plant. against Mr. Henry Dunster Defft. in
an actōn of the case for an acct. of an estate of houses, lands, goods,
and chattels, debts, legacies, and gifts, or other estate, together with
the deeds, leases, and other manuscripts, and evidences thereof, wch
by any manner of wayes or means, eyther have been (or at present
bee) in the possession of the said Henry, or under his rule, costody
or dispose. And of right due and belonging unto the said Jno.
Glover, by the last will and testament of his father Mr. Josse Glover
deceased, or Elizabeth his wife, or their, or eyther of their gifts, or
by the last will of Wm. Harris deceased or otherwise to him the
said Jno. Glover appteyning and of right due and belonging by any
manner of wayes or means whatsoever, and, also for debteyning and
with-holding the same, vizt. both the account and estate, with the
effects and profits thereof and damages to the said Jno. Glover
thereby susteyned.

The Plaintiffe appeared by his attorneyes Edw. Goffe, and Thomas
Danforth, the defft. appeared personally and pleaded to the case,
The Court having heard the Pl't's demands and the proffe thereof,
and Mr. Dunster's acknowledgmts and Answrs wch are upon file
with the Records of this Court, the Jury findes for the plaintiffe,
as appeareth by their verdict given, into Court in writeing (wch is
also upon ye file) theis following p'ticrs.



Page 384
Imps. The Inventory as it is brought in  140 00 00 
It. The Presse and the p'fitt of it  040 00 00 
It. The prise of Mr. Dayes house  030 00 00 
It. Debts received by Mr. Dunster  143 00 00 
It. More debts received by Mr. Dunster  015 00 00 
It. Recd. of Mr. Humpheries  080 00 00 
It. The plate mentioned in the Inventory  448 00 00 
It. more acknowledged in the Court by Mr. Dunster
one silver tankard, and one tipt Jug, and a silver
It. one watch. 
It. acknowledged by Mr. Dunster 12 Rheam of refuse
It. The profit of the houses and lands in Cambridge.  177 10 00 
It. Given by Mr. Harris  040 00 00 
It. Household stuffe at Sudbury  005 00 00 
It. The house in Boston sould to Theodore Atkinson  200 00 00 
It. Rent received for the farme at Sudbury six years  060 00 00 
It. the Rent of the stocke of 15 Kine  067 10 00 
It. the prise of eight steers and bulls and fiften kine  118 16 00 
It. for the rent received for the farme at Sudbury
seaven yeares 
042 00 00 
It. the rent of meadow  010 00 00 
It. two swine  002 00 00 
It. Lead pans  722 16 00 
448 00 00 
1170 16 00 

It. the farme that Robert Wilson now occupieth to be Mr. Glover's.

It all the Bookes of Mr. Glover's that came to Mr. Dunster,
whereof he promised to give in a Cattologue.

It. the farme that Goodman Rice now occupieth to be Mr. Glover's.

It. that Mr. Dunster shall give to the Court, an account according
to the attachmt when the Honoured Court shall require it.

Charles Chadwicke in the name of the rest.

Execution granted June 17, 1656.

The Court orders that Mr. Dunster shall bring in his full account
to the Court the 9th of May next.

[Midd. Records, vol. I, p. 77, &c.]


Page 385

At a second Sessions of the County Court held at Cambridge, 9th
(3) mo. 1656.

In the case between Jno. Glover Plant. against Mr. Henry Dunster
Defft. entered at the last sessions of this Court, Mr. Henry
Dunster presented his answr to the Juries verdict in writeing, containing
his account under his hand, also a Cattologue of the bookes.
with some other testimonies in refference to the case, all wch are upon
file with the Receords of the last Court, whereupon the Plaintiffe
not being sattisfied with the accounts presented, The Court advised
both parties to endeavour a peaceable composure of the whole buissines,
eyther between themselves or by able men Indifferently chosen
between them.   [Midd. Records, vol. I, p. 83.]

At a County Court held at Charles-Towne June 19, 1656.

Mr. Henry Dunster Pl. against Mr. Jno. Glover Defft. in an action
of Review of the suite upon attachmt. to the vallue of two thousand
pounds comenced and prosecuted in the last County Court holden at
Cambridge, by the said Jno. or his attorneyes for accounts and estate
pretended to be with-held by the said Henry from the said Jno. As
also for the auditing the accounts, according to the advice of the
Honoured Magistrates, and for the ballancing, setling and satisfying
what upon the said Accounts is right and just to be done, according
to attachmt dated 12th 4th mo. 1656.

The Jury found a non liquet. [Midd. Records, vol. I, p. 83.]

At a County Court held at Cambridge, by adjournment, June 24th,

Mr. Henry Dunster [sometimes husband to Elizabeth the relict
widow of Josse Glover deceased] Plant. agt. Jno. Glover Gent. Defft.
In an action of the case for debt upon accounts, and for rights and
interests in any wise appertayneing to the said Henry from the estate
now claimed by the said Jno. Glover by vertue of the last will of his
father Josse Glover deceased.

The Plaintive and Defft. appearing in Court legally, They mutually
agreed to referre this case to the Hearing and determination of the


Page 386
honoured Bench of Magistrates. The Courts determination and
judgmt in the said case is as followeth.

Whereas there hath been some actions and suites of debt, account,
and review, in this Court, between Jno. Glover Gent. And Henry
Dunster his father in Law and Guardian, concerning the estate, under
the managemt. belonging to the said John Glover by the will of
his father Josse Glover deceased, The premises considered, and the
parties consenting to issue the whole case, included in the former
actions, and judgmts to the determination of this Court. The Court
having taken paynes to examine all matters explicitly in refference
to the whole case, doe find the estate of Josse Glover is Creditor,
One thousand foure hundred forty and seaven pounds, nine shillings
and nine pence, and a silver tankard in kinde, also Mr. Glover's
bookes according to Cattologue given in to the Court, to be delivered
in kinde, also the price of a house at Hingham that was received of
Payntree at fifteen pounds.

And the estate, is also justly debtor, one thousand thre hundred
and thirty pounds, one shilling and seven pence, the particulars
whereof are expressed in an account hereunto annexed.

The Court therefore do find for John Glover, one hundred and
seventen pounds, eight shillings and two pence, due from Henry
Dunster, according to the account, leaving some debts explicitly
expressed in the account to the vallue of fifty seaven pounds eleven
shillings foure pence to be further cleared by the said Henry before
any credit be given for him it.

Also we find for Mr. Henry Dunster the lands in Sudbury bounds,
purchased by the said Henry called the farme now in the occupation
of Wilson.

1656. June 25. The Account in refference to the aforenamed
case, being drawn up and examined by the Honoured Court is as



Page 387


Page 388


Page 389


Page 390
Mr. Henry Dunster is debitor  £.  s d
Imps. To plate  030  12  03 
To a tipt Jugg and a watch  006  06  06 
To rents of land in Cambrge whiles in Blower's hands  040  00  00 
To rents recd of John Stedman for ditto  070  00  00 
To rent of ditto recd of Richard French  012  00  00 
To rent recd for marsh land all the time  015  15  00 
To rent of the slate house all the time  019  14  04 
To the house and land at Boston sold Mr. Atkinson  214  00  00 
To a Legacy given Jno. Glover by his Uncle Harris  040  00  00 
To utensils at Sudbury five pounds  005  00  00 
To rent of fourten Cowes six yeares, at 15s pr. cow  063  00  00 
To rent of seaven oxen 6 yeares at 20s pr. ox  042  00  00 
To the stocke fourten cowes and seven oxen  118  16  00 
To rent for meadow  010  00  00 
To two swine  002  00  00 
To one lead pan sould for  001  02  06 
To sale of Bookes  026  10  00 
To so much recd of Mr. Thos Fowle  099  11  04 
To rents from Boston and Cambridge  049  06  08 
To advance upon the Inventory  020  00  00 
To advance upon plate  002  17  06 
To so much disbursed in building and other things
upon Henry Dunster's land in Sudbury bounds 
050  00  00 
To the Inventory in Goodes  140  00  00 
To printing presse and paper  050  00  00 
To Mr. Dayes house sold for  030  00  00 
To debts recd of severall persons £73 and of Peacock
and Sill £8. 
081  00  00 
To so much received of Mr. Humphery  071  04  09 
To plate and other things that I had vies et modies,
gift of my wife, not vallued 
073  16  11 
To plate and bedding for Mr. Harris and Simon Smith  025  00  00 
To paper—16 Rheams.  002  00  11 
To 2 oxen and one cow killed for the family  020  00  00 
To profits of stocke and crop the first yeare of his
marriage with Mrs. Glover, not yet accounted for,
abating for Servants wages and diet 
015  00  00 
1447  09  09 
To a silver tankard in kind. 
To all Mr. Glover's bookes unsold, to be delivered according
to Cattologue. 
To a house at Hingham of Panteryes, the value to be
made good 
Mr. Henry Dunster creditor. 
Imps. By lands in Sudbury bounds purchased by the
said Dunster, called the farme now in the occupation
of Wilson, found in kind to belong to the
By the diet, apparell and education of Roger and Jno.
Glover two yeares two mo. after their mother's mariage
with the said Dunster till her death at £20. 
086  06  08 
By disbursemts for the maintenance of Mrs. Glover for
diet and apparrell in sicknes and health two yeares
and two months, after her marriage with Mr. Dunster,
until her death, with a mayd to attend her at
£30 pr. annum 
065  00  00 
By a bill for physicke payd Mr. Ayres  015  00  00 
By funerall charges expended for Mrs. Glover  010  00  00 
By disbursements for the diet and appl. of Mrs. Eliza. Glover 7 mo. with her marriage feast[2] , being married
to Mr. Adam Winthrop 
030  00  00 
By diet and apparrall for Mrs. Sarah and Mrs. Priscilla
Glover, during their mother's life, being two yeares
2 mo. a peece at £16 pr. annum 
069  06  08 
By diet and expences of Mr. Richard Harris two years
and two monthes, it being due from the estate to
him for the interest of. £250. of his in the estate
at £20 pr. annum 
043  03  04 
By maintenance of the children after the death of their
mother, viz. 
By Jno. Glover's liberall education for diet, apparell
and schooleing mostly at the Colledge for seven
years and two months at £20 pr. anm. 
143  03  04 
By diet, apparrell of Mrs. Sarah Glover five years at
sixteen pounds pr. annum 
080  00  00 
By so much recovered out of the estate by Mr. Appleton,
for his wife Mrs. Priscilla Glover, her maintenance
after her mother's death, and before
marriage with him 
088  00  00 
By so much paid for extraordinary expences by Mr. Jno.
Glover, as by note of particulars 
006  15  00 
By charges disbursed concerning nine arbitrations, and
pd. for writeings to scrivenrs &c., £2 in all 
007  00  00 
[3] By debts paid by Mr. Dunster which were due from
the estate, in Mr. Josse Glover's life time 
334  12  00 
By debts made by Mrs. Glover in the time of her widowhood,
payd by Mr. Dunster clerely proved 
183  15  09 
By losses and damages befalling the estate at Sudbury,
payd for fencing on John Glover's fame at Sudbury 
034  19  03 
By expences, rates and suites concerning lands at
045  19  04 
By disbursemts. for reparations of the house at Cambridge
in Mrs. Glover's life 
016  04  00 
By repaires of the said house after her death  016  01  04 
By cattle added to the estate, vizt. three cowes, one calf,
2 oxen at 
031  16  11 
By rates payd to the meeting house  002  00  06 
1309  03  07 
By so much payd to Mr. Haris for redeeming a tankard,
and a porringer of silver, payd him in part of
his debt 
005  18  00 
1315  01  07 
By account of some debts contracted by Mrs. Glover in
her widowhood, wch Mr. Dunster alleadgeth he
hath payd; not allowed at present for want of
cleare proof vizt. 
By Mr. King of Lex.  06  12  04 
By so much to Mr. Morecroft  25  00  00 
By so much to Skidmore Smith  08  00  00 
By so much to Mr. Harris  12  19  00 
By so much pd. Major Bourne  05  00  00 
57  11  04 
By so much pd. to Capt. Kaine being a debt due before
marriage as appears by bill 
0015  00  00 
1330  01  07 

Mr. Bellingham declared his dissent from this account and departed
out of Court before the Court's determination and judgmt.
was drawne up.       [Midd. Records. vol. I. p. 87, &c.]


He studied medicine, became a practitioner, married, and settled in


The three Miss Glovers (not Mrs.), viz. Elizabeth, and Sarah and
Priscilla Glover, mentioned in the next article of charge, were the three
daughters of Mr. Jesse, or Josse Glover deceased. Priscilla married John
Appleton, who also commenced in 1655, an action against Dunster for
100l. left to his wife by her father, and detained by Dunster, which sum
Appleton recovered.


To Mr. Harris  0250  00  00 
To Mr. Turner  0076  12  00 
To Cotton Slacke  0008  00  00 
0334  12  00