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Fair is love whose footstep wanders
'Mid the sunny meads of spring;
Love that smiles and laughs and ponders
While the swallow's on the wing;
Fair and tender,
Full of splendour,
Full of thoughts the roses bring
—Full of dreams the roses bring.
Sweet is love when fervent summer
Fills the fields with flowers and fruit;
When strong passion, swift-winged comer,
Wakes wild echoes with his lute;
Songs of sweeter
Note and metre


Make spring's softest music mute
—Make spring's sweetest music mute.
Yet life's autumn brought my treasure.
I was sad and tired and old,
Worn and weary beyond measure,
When thy face I did behold:
Sweet love found me,
Saved and crowned me,
When the corn was turning gold
—When the corn was turning gold.