University of Virginia Library



The wild world hastens on its way;
The grey-haired century nears its close;
Its sorrow deepens day by day;
The summer blush forsakes the rose.
But, darling, while your voice I hear
And while your dark-brown eyes I see
Sad months and sunless, seasons drear,
Are all the same, all glad, to me.
Despair can never reach me
While your soft hand I hold:
While your eyes love and teach me,
I never shall grow old!
They say that love forsakes the old;
That passion pales and fades away;


That even love's bright locks of gold
Must lose their charm and change to grey.
But, darling, while your heart is mine
And while I feel that you are true
For me the skies will ever shine
With summer light, and tenderest blue.
Yes, let old age deride me!
I scorn his mocking tongue.
Dear love, with you beside me,
I am for ever young!