University of Virginia Library




[‘Through Alexandria there rushed of old, a Woman with disordered garb that held high in one hand a Torch, and in the other bore a Jar of Water, and cried aloud, saying, “With this Torch I will burn up Heaven, and with this Jar of Water I will quench Hell, that henceforward God may be loved for His own sake alone.”’]

Thou Christian Mænad, with thy Torch and Jar
That wouldst burn Heaven to its remotest star
And quench all Hell, that thus, beneath—above—
God might be God alone, and Love but Love,
Too proud for gifts! dash down that Jar and Torch,
And learn a lowlier wisdom from the Church.
Know this, that God is Heaven: with Him who dwell
Find Love's Reward perforce: and theirs is Hell,
Hate's dread self-prison, who pine in endless night
From God self-exiled; haters of the light.
Mænad! Thy Thyrsus is no Prophet Rod:
Who cancels Heaven and Hell must cancel God.