University of Virginia Library



Weary I am this winter night,
Sleep presses on my brain;
But you will dance till morning light
Gleams at the window-pane.
Yes, you will dance, while I shall sleep—
So it must ever be!
This winter night is starry-bright
For you, but dark for me.
Yes, you will dance, while I must sleep,
And many a heart will thrill
As through the dance your Spanish glance
Flashes its magic still.
Yes, you will dance, while I shall rest,
And so it ought to be;
For you the night, ablaze with light!
The lampless dark for me!


And ah! I read the lesson through;
I read and grasp it all.
The day may come when sleep more deep
May on my spirit fall.
I shall be sleeping very sound
And very still, maybe,
While life is yet one merry round
Of dance and song for thee.