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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord.” —Obadiah, verse 4.

Who art thou, that, soaring high,
Pride of heart thy bosom swelling,
Look'st around with haughty eye,
Trusting in thy lofty dwelling?


Stoop thy wing, or thou'rt undone;
Let not pride of heart deceive thee;
He, the High and Holy One,
Of thy dwelling shall bereave thee.
Though, 'till check'd by wrath, or love,
Far from earth thy spirit wing thee,—
Rear its home the stars above,—
Yet from thence the Lord shall bring thee.
Bring thee down, and lay thee low,
Lower than the most inglorious;
Soon thy humbled pride shall know
His almighty arm victorious.
Then forbear to trust thy flight,
Even to the eagle's pinion;
Learn in time Jehovah's might;
Bow to God's supreme dominion.
Kiss the Son lest he be wrath,
Dare not with the Word dissemble,
Choose a humbler, safer path;
Know thyself, and fear, and tremble.