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Matthew Prior. Poems on Several Occasions

The Text Edited by A. R. Waller

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A Reasonable Affliction.

On His Death-Bed poor Lubin lies:
His Spouse is in Despair:
With frequent Sobs, and mutual Cries,
They Both express their Care.
A diff'rent Cause, says Parson Sly,
The same Effect may give:
Poor Lubin fears, that He shall Die;
His Wife, that He may Live.

Another Reasonable Affliction.

From her own Native France as old Alison past,
She reproach'd English Nell with Neglect or with Malice,
That the Slattern had left, in the Hurry and Hast,
Her Lady's Complexion, and Eye-brows at Calais.



Her Eye-brow-Box one Morning lost,
(The best of Folks are oft'nest crost)
Sad Helen thus to Jenny said,
Her careless but afflicted Maid;
Put me to Bed then, wretched Jane:
Alas! when shall I rise again?
I can behold no Mortal now:
For what's an Eye without a Brow?

On the same Subject.

In a dark Corner of the House,
Poor Helen sits, and sobs and cries:
She will not see her Loving Spouse,
Nor her more dear Picquet-Allies:
Unless She finds her Eye-brows,
She'll e'en weep out her Eyes.

On the Same.

Helen was just slipt into Bed:
Her Eye-brows on the Toilet lay:
Away the Kitten with them fled,
As Fees belonging to her Prey.
For this Misfortune careless Jane,
Assure your self, was loudly rated:
And Madam getting up again,
With her own Hand the Mouse-Trap baited.
On little Things, as Sages write,
Depends our Human Joy, or Sorrow:
If We don't catch a Mouse To-night,
Alas! no Eye-brows for To-morrow.