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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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De occisione Innocencium & de Herode Ascalonica & eius vxore.
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De occisione Innocencium & de Herode Ascalonica & eius vxore.

Now speke we of the Innocentȝ,

de innocentibus.

that for Crist martert were
with-outen defaut of any offence
vnder Eroud, as ȝe shin here.
Thre Erodes I fynd there were i-wis
that grete nome haden, that is no nay,
In vr[ec]hedenesse and doyng mysse,
hor nomes here I shal ȝow say.
The furst As-calonita was,
that regnet when that Crist was borne
& slogh the Innocentȝ bout trespas,
for whech dede his saule was lorne.
The secund Erode slogh saint Iohn,
that baptiȝet Crist omnipotent
In the water of flem Iordan
& for to preche byfore him went,
Antipas that Erod hyȝt
& he regnet in Iude
that tyme that Ihesu ful of myȝt
Deghet opon the rode tre.
the thrid Erod Agrippa was
that slogh seint Iame, as rede we,
& prisonet Petur also has,
as be thes verseȝ mon may se:

As-calonuta necat pueros, Antipa Iohannem, Agrippa Iacobum, claudens in carcere Petrum.

but thes two lasȝt now leue wol I
& of the first speke now here,
as I fynd in trew story
how he was kyng now ȝe moun lere.


Petrus in Historiis Scolasticis.

A duke Antipater Ydumee,
that was a mon gret & worthy,
Weddet, in boke as rede we,
the kynges doȝtur of Araby,
& on hir a son ther gete he
& callet hym Erod witerly,
that Ascalonica, leue ȝe me,
was callet aftur, as rede I.
& to this Erod ȝiuen was
Be the emperour of Rome
the lond of Iude, & hit has
byfore that Crist our kyng nome.
Then was scheptre first put away
from Iudas kynd, Iacob son,
thirgh whom, as I byfore con say,
the Iues nome com first in wone.
Whech profecy, to myn aw on,
gode is I reherse here
In Latyn wordus, as I con,
that Iacob said, is gode to lere:

Non auferetur sceptrum de Iuda & dux de femore eius, donec veniat qui mittendus est, & ipse erit expectacio gencium.

Now was fulfyllet this proficie
when that Erod was mad kyng
and sceptre from Iudas rote therby
put away, Crist negh comyng.
This Erod sex sons has
that were worthe men & noble,
Antipater the first was,
Alysandre and Aristoble,


Archelaus the furth hyȝt,
the fyft Erodes Antipas,
the last Fylyp, thus in our syȝt
all six arn recconet in this place.
But Alexander and Aristoble,
that both of on modur were,
to Rome he send, for thai were noble
& scharpe of witte letteur to lere.
Long aftur thai com hom agayn,
wele lernet & ryȝt conyng,
And stryuen more þen did hom gayn
After hor fadir to haue ben kyng.
ffor both two of on modir wer
And hor moder was a Iewes,
therfore þai helden so in fer
And putten hor fadir to destres
Auther of hom forto haue ȝyuen
the successioun of his londe,
And for this cause with hym thai stryuen
that broght hom after in gret bonde.
Also thai thoȝten hom-self conyng
And more worthy þen oþer wer,
quen they wer comyng fro studying
thai hopiden to haue ben more der.
But Heravde segh thay wroȝten so,
his aldest sone he put bi-fore,
And supplantid hom both two
of his heritage las & more.
Thay seghen this & casten in hie
to haue slayn hym ȝif þai myȝt,
the kyng knew hor kest priuely
And exilede both in hyȝt.


When þai both þus exilet wer,
to þe emperoure thai went
to pleyn on hor fadir in fer,
that sone Heraude was after sent.
But qvil þis strif was enduryng,
Ihesu Crist was born i-wis
And thre kynges thider comyng,
As ȝe knowen wel al þis.
And quen þai asket a kyng
that born was of þe Iewes kynde,
Heravde was of hor come dredyng
thurgh double ferdship as I fynde.
One cause lest a kyng verray
of Iewes blode þen born had be
to haue supplauntid hym, soth to say,
for verray commlyng þen was he,
And supposide ȝif Crist miȝt spryng,
that þen was born þer in þat londe,
hym-self wer shent in time comyng
And thrast hym out that child wold fonde.
But neuer-þe-later in þat myschef
Heraude plesede þe kynges thre,
And let as hor word had ben lef,
Al-thaȝe in hert ful wroth was he,
And bad hom sech qver þat he wer
And come & warn hym hou hyt stode,
that he myȝt honour that child der,
but in-ward wille of hym was wode.
Quen Heravde seȝe þai come noȝt
Aȝayn to hym as þai bihiȝt,
he supposide & fully thoȝt
thai wer bigilet of sterre lyȝt,


and failide so þat child to fynde
As men wer lad with fantasy.
thus kest Heroude in his mynde,
for they come noȝt agayn hym by,
But turnet oþer ways for shame,
sithen þai failede foul so,
lest þai hade lest þer-by hor name
hor londe so folily to com fro.
And thus from slaght of innocens
A qvile he put away his tene,
til sheperdis prechiden in his presens
And tolden quat siȝt thai hade sene.
Simeon & Anne also
of Crist als beren gode witnes.
then was Heravde wonder wo,
And for thes tithynges had tristes
that kinges were so foule a-goo,
and in his hert he kest expresse
to sle alle childer anoon tho
aboute Bedleme þat born wesse.
thenne come an naungel from heuen adoun
to Ieseph as he lay sleping,
and bad him make him sone boun
in-to Egipt to be hying.
thenne token Ieseph & Mary
the child and to Egipt went,
and seuen ȝere afture sicurly
in that lond þere thai were lent,
ay til king Heroude was deide,
in a cite þat callet was
Hermepolym, and þere we[r] lede
as trwe story mynde mase.


þen was fulfillet the prophecy
that I in Latyn sone schal saye,
that spak, þe prophete Ysaye
a twousand ȝere befor in faye.
for maumetes, as book minde mas,
fellen doun at his comyng
In temples and in vche plas,
In tokenyng þat he was heuen king.

Ecce dominus ascendit super nubem leuem, & ingredietur Egiptum, & mouebuntur simulacra Egipti a facie domini exercituum.

Cassioder beres witnesse

Nota bene.

that in Ermopel þat cite
was a tre of grete suetnysse,
persidis callet was, leue ȝe me,
The whiche tre suche vertu hade,
mony men thurgh hit helet were
and of meschef releuet radde
wit fruyt, lef, bark, þat hit bere.
Whenne Crist to Egipt come anone
taward that tre of grete vertu,
hit bowet doun to the erthe opon
for to honur oure lord Ihesu,
And roos huppe afture, as wold a mon
that men by sight fully knewe,
and merueilden þerof vchone,
for þat sight was o the nwe.

Hec Cassiodorus, item Petrus Comestor vt inferius.

Whil Heroud was so conietting
the childer deth bi his entent,
sodaynly felle letting,
for to Rome he was afture sent


By letturs fro the emperoure
at sewte of his sones two.
so steret he was in þat stowr,
that alle his thoght was on hit tho,
And tariet to sle the innocenteȝ
til þat processe hade an ende.
so for ferde of more offense
to Rome radle he con winde,
And as he toward Rome went
be Tharse lond was his goyng,
all the chippes of Tharse he brent
in despite of Tharse keng,
And for the chippes, as he herd saye,
haden broght hom the kenges thre,
alle he brend hom in his waye,
his foule wille so fullet he.
Then was endet that prophecy
that Dauid sais in his sauter:
‘with wode spirit he con destry
the shippes of Tarse in foule maner.’

In spiritu vehementi conteres naues Tharsis.

Qven Heravde come to Rome tho,
grete altercacioun & debate
bitwene hym & his sones two
raiset was for his astate.
ffor outhir of hom his air wold be
bi-cause hor moder a Iewes was,
therfore hom thught þat in Iude
to regne best skil hir child has.
Also fro lettrure þai wer kent,
thai thoȝt hom-self þe more worthy,
ffor Alexandir was ful excellent
And wondir conyng in clergy.


But after grete altercacioun
bitwene Heroud and hom two
bifore lordes of grete renoun,
this moot thus was endit tho,
That Heroud schuld haue ful power
bi the emperoure decre,
whiche sone so his wille wer
to make his heyr as wilnet he,
And that hys sones in al thing
to hym schulden be obedient,
thus lordly at al his liking
to his londe aȝayn he went.
When he was comen home a-ȝayne
more harde thenne he was bifore,
he kest the childer schulden be slayn
for Cristes burthe that greuet hym sore,
And anoon his men he sent
and slogh knaue childer of tow ȝer
that werne about Bedlem lent,
and als withinne that eld that wer.

Exponitur a bymatu, vt in Historiis Scolasticis.

In-as-miche as the ewangely
spekes of tow ȝer and withinne
of childer eldes to destruy,
one trew story I wol ou mynne,
As by the trewest opinioun
from childer that weren of one night
to tow ȝer ful, ȝe leue moun,
Heroud maad sle vche wight,
ffor by the kenges lernet he
that Crist was born that ilk, day
that thay the sterre furst con se,
as the aungel to hym con say,


And for a ȝer was gone fulle
wil that he to Rome went,
he kest tyme of burthe ther-by,
as he was by the kenges kent,
One ȝer forto haue by-fore,
an other after-ward comyng,
that skilfully he most be bore
withinne that tyme for anythyng.
And als in hert Heroud kest this
syn sterres serueden hy[m] o-right,
that transforme hym wel i-wys
to more elde other lasse he might
As in semyng, sothe to say,
ther-fore Heroud wold seker be,
and of two ȝer fully in fay
to one night borne thenne slogh he.

Alia opinio super hoc verbum a bimatu. Iohannes Crisostomus sic exponit vt infra.

Iohan with the guylden mouthe iwys
expounes hit in other maner,
and says by his opinion this,—
bitwene two ȝere & fyue þai wer,
But inwith two ȝer slayn was non,
for bifore fully a ȝer
Er Crist was born, as sais this Ion,
the sterre to kynges con apere.
Therfore knaue childer two ȝer olde
he sl[o]gh, but noght ȝunger then thay,
bitwene to and fyue, as I tolde,
of elde thay wer, as Iohan con say.


As by this euidence, as says he,
hyt semes wel for to be so,
ffor bones of hom that men moun se
Arm longer thenne childer of ȝeres two.
But ther-aȝayn mon vnsuar may
that tyme men and childer were
wel more thenne thay ben this day
and in vch eld more of power,
So that the first opinion
clerkes hoden most verray,
that in-with tow ȝe[r] be reson
the childer slayne wer, in gode fay.

Macrobius in Saturnalibus: qualiter Herodes iuste fuerat punitus.

But Heroud in hys wykkedenesse
was pinischet resonabuly,
as Macrobius beres wutenysse,
one wengeance to him felle þer-bi,
For one sone of his there was slayn
that was ȝiuen to keping,
of whiche was Heroud no-thing fayn,
but in gre[t] sorow and misliking,
So þat God lord of rightwisnesse
nold not vnuenget þat hit wer,
his wrongful dedes of wickettenesse,
but punischet bothe in heuen and her,
God wold that he lost his lykyng
and chastiset wer in that maner,
that maade so mony mon syking
and moderes for hor childer dere.


thenne was fulfillet the prophecy
that I in Latyn thenke to say,
for lettert men that sitten by
to conferme this in gode faye:

Vox ploratus & vlulatus audita est in Rama, id est excelsis.

But ȝette God wold not leue hym so,
but more meschef send him opon,
for alder sones other two
he sloght, as ȝe schun her anone.
Alisaunder, Aristoble tho,
that striuen whit him a littul before,
he hade suspect of gyltes moo,
the greuet him vyle sore.
For one þat was wit hom priue,
the whiche thai tristes in al thing,
had disc[reue]t, leue ȝe me,
hor covnseil holle to the keng,
And told how thai haden hym bihight
grete ȝiftes and eke richesse
to poysoun Heroud, ȝif he myght,
and þis to hym was told expresse.
His barbour confesset eke al-so
that him was heght a grete wynning
of tho sones bothe two
to kutte his throte in berd shauyng,
For Alisaunder to hym con say
that in a nold mon was no tryst
thagh he kempt day for day
his hore lokkes, when þat him lust,


For to make him seme ȝungly,
ther-fore he sayde þat hit was gode
for to deliuer him hastely,
that al his lif hade ben so wode.
Qven that Heravde herd this thing,
greuet he was gretly tho
And onon bout tarying
made to sle hom both two,
And made his aldest son his air,
Antipater that callide was,
but he cast Heraude to appair
sone after, as boke mynde mas.
ffor Heraude pleside in alle thing
his sones childir that he hade slayn,
Antipater hade no likyng
ne of þat dede was he not fayn,
And lest he hade chaunget his wille
And deseride hym any way,
with venym he cast hym to spille,
that was told Heraude soth to say.
Quen þat Heraude herd of þis thyng,
Anon he put hym in prisoun,
til he myȝt for his trespassyng
punysch hym as was resoun.
Quen þe emperour herde say
that kyng Heraude has thus done,
he saide hym hade leuer, in gode fay
be Heraudes swyn þen Heraude sone,
ffor sithen that he conuertet was
to Iewes faith & hor lyuyng,
to sle swyne he sparet has
And slayn his sones olde & ȝyng.


Qven Heraude of gret elde wes,
sixti ȝer & therto ten,
for veniaunce of his wrecchidnes
he swal & stank both feet & knen,
And a strong feuer eke hade he
And al his body in sich swellyng
that for gret stench, leue ȝe me,
negh hym miȝt no mon be dwellyng.
Qven Iewes herden þat he ferd so,
liȝt & likyng þen þai wer
that þai shuld be delyueret þo
of þat tiraunt in sich maner.
Qven this was told Heraude onon
that Iewes enioiet of his wo,
gret lordes sonus euerichone
he putt in prisoun sone tho,
And praiet his suster Salome
that ho shuld, quen þat he wer dede,
sle hom all & lett non fle,
And ho grauntide to do his rede,
ffor he wilnet soueraynly
that men shuld reme & sorewe make
quen he wer dede, þo men for-thy
gyltlesly he made to take,
That ȝif Iewes nold not þen
reme for hym qven he wer gone,
thay myȝt reme for þes oþer men
that he bad so sle euerichone,
ffor he desyrit at his deȝyng
that ich mon shuld make dele,
And for his deth ne his partyng
wold no mon reme he wist wele.


Then [h]ad Heraude þis maner
quen he hade eten & wold wende
to par an appul, ȝif any wer,
And ete þat atte last ende.
So toke he a knyf in hy
As thagh he thoȝt nothing amys,
And waitet þer was no mon by
for styke hym-self he wold i-wys.
But on frend þer was negh stondyng
And toke þe knyf out of his honde,
And for this dede was told tithing
that Heraude was dede al þe londe.
When Antipater herd of this,
his sone that so in prisoun wasse,
muche myrthe forsothe iwisse
for his fader deth he maas.
When Heroud herd þat he did so,
anone he made gurd of his hede,
and Archelaus him leuyng tho
he maad his heir when he wer dede.
Thenne after-ward the fift daye
deghet Heroud wrecchetly,
and his suster, soth to saye,
deliueret the prisones in hye,
The whiche Heroud hade beden before
schulden be slayn, when he wer deed,
ho thoght ho schulde see hym no mor
and took hir to a better rede.
Thus endet Heroud, as rede we,
but what tyme and also ȝer,
her-after anone ȝe schun see
datat the tyme fulle enter.