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454 The reigns of Martianus in the East/ Maximus to Severus West
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454 The reigns of Martianus in the East/ Maximus to Severus West

Good Theodosius gone to rest his place
On Martian fell, a martiall man by race,
A Captains son, who going to enrole
His name in Mars his Schoolebook, and his Scrole
Finding a dead man in his way he fell
Interring him, which proovd a grivous spell.
For being cought therein, was chargd to bee
A murderer, and must sustane the fee
Of such an one at Philippopiles
And all his slight cant wash his hands of this,
Till God brings out the murtherer, and now
Recorded is with men of Martiall brow
And under Aspar out to war he goes
Against Gensericus and Vandall foes,
And being taken Captive now with more
Gensericus desires to se therefore
His Captives, out they're had unshackled, and
Before the proud kings eyes do make their stand
But Martian lay him down to take a sleep
I'th'flaming sun whose beams an Eagle keeps
Off from him with her stretcht out wings whereby
She hoverd over him: shade did on him ly.
The Vandall king amazd concludes he should
Be Emperour and with him enter would


Enter a league not to wage war against
The Vandalls. Yet Rome thou thyselfe complain'st
While Martians brow is Wreathed in the east
Thy Valentinian's lustfull in the West


And butcher'd is by Maximus, and he

His servants slay and Tyber made to be
His Grave, Genserick being also calld
From Affrick to ease Eudoxy galld
By Maximus who took her to his bed
Who with his Vandalls came and plundered
For fourteen days old Rome but did not burn
The same, then with the plunder doth return
Taking Eudoxy and her sprouts away
Over the seas along to Affrica.
But Martian in the East with pious shine
And Righteous Carriage doth addorn the time.


But as Presages of such black darke dayes

The Earth doth Quake, Comets in heaven blaze
The northern skies grow red like fire all mixt
With firy streake in shapes of stars there fixt
The moon obfuscated at Lions were
Wild beast in troops ---semblys often peare,
As Bares and Woolves and stags on men they prey
Justice these dreadful things doth now display.


In England did appeare a monstrous star

Whose firy ray shone like a dragon far
Out of whose mouth two beams came forth, of which
One reacht out far than France, the other pitch
Itselfe out did to'rds Ireland and so
In seven lesser streams it out did flow.