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Parthenophil and Parthenophe

Sonnettes, Madrigals, Elegies and Odes [by Barnabe Barnes]

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[Cease ouer-tyred muses to complayne]

Cease ouer-tyred muses to complayne,
In vayne thou powers out wordes, in vayne thy teares,
In vayne thou writes thy verses, all in vayne:
For to the rockes and wall which neuer heares
Thou speakes, and sendes complaintes which finde no grace:
But why compaire I thee to rockes, and walles:
Yes thou discendes from stones and rockes by race,
But rockes will answere to the latter calles,
Yea rockes will speake each sentences last word,
And in each sillabe of that word agree,
But thou nor last nor first wilt me afford:
Hath pride or nature bred this fault in thee,
Nature, and pride haue wrought in thee these euils,
For women are by nature proude as diuels.