University of Virginia Library



Eons, or centuries, or years ago—
We two were man and woman, thou and I,
On yon dear earth now swinging far below
The star-mists floating by.
But now we are two spirits, in the wide
Mysterious realm whereof all mortals dream;
The unknown country where the dead abide
Beyond the sunset gleam.
And I—I cannot find thee anywhere!
I roam from star to star in search of thee;
I wander through the boundless fields of air,
And by the crystal sea.
I scan all faces and I question all;
I breathe thy name to every wind that blows;


Through the wide silences I call and call—
But still the silence grows.
Dost thou remember how, one midnight drear,
We sat before a fading fire alone,
Dreaming young dreams the while the wan old year
Reeled from his trembling throne?
And thou didst whisper, “Dear, from farthest skies,
From utmost space, my love shall summon thee,
Though the grave-mould lie darkly on thine eyes,
To keep this tryst with me!”
Was it last year? O Love, I do not know!
The high gods count not time. We are as they.
All silently the tides of being flow;
A year is as a day!
I only know I cannot find thee, dear!
This mighty universe is all too wide;
Where art thou? In what far-removèd sphere
Is thought of me denied?


New lives, new loves, new knowledge, and new laws!
I still remember. Does thy soul forget?
Heart unto heart if love no longer draws,
Then the last seal is set!