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How diverse from the front sublime of Paul,
Or pale and placid dignity of him
Who in the lonely Isle saw Heaven unveiled,
Was his who in twelve summers won a world!
Not such his countenance nor garb, as when
He foremost breasted the broad Granicus,
Dark-rushing through its steeps from lonely Ida,
His double-tufted plume conspicuous mark
Of every arrow; cheering his bold steed
Through pikes, and spears, and threatening axes, up
The slippery bank through all their chivalry,
Princes and Satraps linked for Cyrus' throne,
With cuirass pierced, cleft helm, and plumeless head,
To youthful conquest: or, when, panic-struck,
Darius from his plunging chariot sprang,
Away the bow and mantle cast, and fled.
His robe, all splendid from the silk-worm's loom,
Floated effeminate, and from his neck
Hung chains of gold, and gems from Eastern mines.
Bedight with many-colored plumage, flamed
His proud tiara, plumage which had spread
Its glittering dies of scarlet, green, and gold,
To evening suns by Indus' stream: around
Twined careless, glowed the white and purple band,
The imperial sacred badge of Persia's kings.
Thus his triumphal car in Babylon
Displayed him, drawn by snow-white elephants,
Whose feet crushed odors from the flowery wreaths
Boy-Cupids scattered, while soft music breathed


And incense fumed around. But dire his hue,
Bloated and bacchanal as on the night
When old Persepolis was wrapped in flame!
Fear, over all had flung a livid tinge.
A deeper awe subdued him than amazed
Parmenio and the rest, when they beheld
The white-stoled Levites from Jerusalem,
Thrown open as on some high festival,
With hymns and solemn pomp, come down the hill
To meet the incensed King, and wondering saw,
As on the Pontiff's awful form he gazed,
Glistering in purple with his mystic gems,
Jove's vaunted son, at Jaddua's foot, adore.