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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes
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4 occurrences of psalter
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Psalme. LXVI.

The Argument.

An hymne of thankes to God: for helpe in tyranny:
With sacrifice: the Iewes it song: in feastes most solempnely.



Reioyce to God wyth ioy: how wyde the land ye dwell:
Expresse your ioyes: to shew how hie: his Godhed doth excell


And loke wyth song ye prayse: hys name most glorious:
And thynke it is: your glory most: hys fame most hye to rowse.


Say thus before the Lord: how workst thou dreadfully?
Thy power shall make: thy foes to stoupe: therin though fallen they lye


The earth all whole full low: shall worshyp thee as God:
And sing in psalmes: they shal to thee: to sound thy name abrod[illeg.]



O come and note Gods workes: how wonderfull they are,
So wrought to man: of Adams lyne: they passe mans wyt to [illeg.]


He turnd the sea to land: whose worke alone it is:
that through the sea: dry shod they went: our fathers ioyd of t[illeg.]


He rulth the world by myght: hys eyes the Paynyms ve[illeg.]
And who rebels: as voyd of fayth: no grace shall them ensue.



O blisse our God wyth thanks: ye people more and lesse:
And see ye cause: all speche & voyce: that they his laudes expresse.


For he hath set our soule: in lyfe most safe and sound:
He suffreth not: our feete to slyde: to slyp vpon the ground.


For thou O God most hye: hast proued vs narowly:
Thou hast vs tryed: as siluer is: by furnace fined therby.


Thou broughts vs nye to traps: of foes besieged strayt:
Our loynes & backs: bare painful lodes: of griefs in heuy way.



Thou hast set man on vs: on thus our heds to ryde:
We past by fire: and water to: yet roume thou gauest vs wyde.


Thy house I wyll go in: wyth offringes brent therfore:
My vowes to pay: I wyll not misse: to the behight before:


Which vowes dyd cause my lyps: themselfe to open wyde:
All which my mouth: dyd promise iust: when trouble me did stryde.


Brent offryngs wyll I geue: to thee of lambes most fat:
Wyth smoke of rambes: wyth oxe and goat: I wyll ful glad do that.



All ye that God do feare: O come and harken now:
I wyll you tell: how louingly: my soule he dyd auow.


I dyd but cry wyth mouth: my hart felt strayght his ease:
My tonge therfore dyd hym extoll: wyth prayse it did not cease.


I[illeg.] yet thus in hart: ought wyckedly had ment:
The Lord my sute would not haue heard: in suttle false entent.


Where now the Lord heard me: by proofe it is discust:
My voyce and vowe: in prayer made: he dyd consider iust.


O bless be God which did: no tyme my sute reiect.
No tyme his grace forsooke my nede: he neuer me neglect.