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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 76.

[This River flows from God above]

Ezek. 36. 25. I will sprinkle clean water upon you.

Joh. 7. 30. Out of his belly shall flow living water, &c.

[The First Part.]

This River flows from God above,
It from his Throne proceeds,
And sweetly too this way doth move,
It many millions feeds.
These Waters purge from filthiness,
Come wash and be you clean;
It makes the barren Soul flourish,
And spread his Branches green.
It's cooling to a sweating Soul
That Satan hunts about;
'Twill quench the fire of lusts within,
It does allay our drought.
It makes the Seed of Grace to grow,
It mollifies our Earth;
All such its influences know
Who witness the new birth.


It heals the wounded Soul likewise,
There's no disease within
But by these Waters cur'd have been,
O drink, and drink agen!
O come unto these Waters ye
Who very thirsty are!
To all that come they are most free,
O drink, and do not spare!

The Second Part.

Do not be foolish and mistake,
To go to the wrong Well;
These Waters 'tis that you must take,
Which far, alas, excell
All Waters you can go unto;
Ah! would you healed be?
To Christ by his own Spirit come,
And sickness soon will flee.
Ye Fools, what is't that you do drink?
'Tis puddle-water base,
It stinks, 'tis filthy, God it loaths,
O taste of his sweet grace,
And sinful joys will hateful be,
And you will spue them up;
Come taste a little Water: See!
Come try! Take one small sup,
And you will say God's love, O 'tis
Most pleasant to your taste!


But the chief sweetness is reserv'd
For us to drink at last.
O praise the glorious God above
These Waters overflow!
Sing praise to Jesus Christ our Lord,
And praise the Spirit too.