University of Virginia Library

HYMN 68. To Praise God becomes the Upright.


Come let us sing most Joyfully
to God of saving Might,
To raise the Praise of the most High,
becomes all the Upright.


'Tis he that justifies all those
who justified be:
But Woe to them who do oppose
his Grace, his Grace so free!


Lord not to us, not unto us,
but to thy Glorious Name,


Let all the Glory be ascrib'd,
the Honour and the Fame.


Our works alass imperfect are,
to Jesus we must fly,
His Righteousness, and his alone
is comely in thine Eye.


'Tis Faith whereby we do receive
free Pardon of our Sin;
'Tis he alone who doth Revive
that Glorious work within:


But Faith, which doth us Justify,
most Precious Fruit doth bear,
True Faith, O Lord, doth Purify
the Heart, if it be there.


Ye Righteous sing unto the Lord,
his Praise do you set forth
And let all People look to him,
to the ends of the Earth.