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The Shamrock

or, Hibernian Cresses. A Collection of Poems, Songs, Epigrams, &c. Latin as well as English, The Original Production of Ireland. To which are subjoined thoughts on the prevailing system of school education, respecting young ladies as well as gentlemen: with practical proposals for a reformation [by Samuel Whyte]

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To G. H. Esq;
Whene'er, my Friend, you chance to find
A Female who attracts your Mind,
Your Choice awhile suspend;
Examine nicely first her Heart,
If incorrupt, if free from Art;
To that, be sure, attend:
For Beauty soon familiar grows,
Or fades, as hourly fades the Rose,
Frail Tenant of Decay!
But Virtue, Life's extremest Length,
Improving, shines, and grows in Strength,
With each succeeding Day.
This is the Beauty worth your Care,
And not the Cheek, the Lip, the Hair,
The Eye, the Teeth, the Mien;
If no Deformity disgrace,
You 'll soon think that a lovely Face,
Where Truth, and Honour reign.


Be then the Purpose of her Heart,
Whom of yourself you'd make a Part,
Confirm'd and well inform'd
In all Things moral, and divine;
The Virtues more attractive shine,
By true Devotion warm'd.
Those Virtues still have least Allay,
And best will bear the strict Assay,
That on Religion grow:
Others to Fear, or Interest, yield,
Or shrink, or meanly quit the Field,
When Storms of Passion blow.
Let no vain superstitious Fears
Create imaginary Cares;
For those, who mean the best,
Who 've only honest Ends in View,
Will carefully those Ends pursue,
And leave to Heaven the Rest.
If Gratitude her Bosom swell;
If there, kind generous Pity dwell,
Meekness, and manly Sense;
If no Desire for Dress, or Play,
Can lead her steady Heart away,
Fear not her Innocence.
Fair Virtue, Honour, Candour, Truth,
Alone maintain the Charms of Youth
Through every Stage of Life:
These with new Lustre ever glow,
And, every Day, new Charms bestow
Upon the Friend—the Wife.


Those light the Lamp of pure Desire,
These fan the clear celestial Fire,
Bright Flame of lasting Love;
While practis'd Looks, and Airs and Smiles,
And Art, that thoughtless Men beguiles,
But Flashes—Meteors prove.