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Ode XXV. To Bacchus.

O Bacchus, when by Thee possest,
What hallow'd Spirit fills my raving Breast?
How am I rapt to dreary Glades,
To gloomy Caverns, unfrequented Shades?
In what Recesses shall I raise
My Voice to sacred Cæsar's deathless Praise,
Amid the Stars to bid him shine,
Rank'd in the Councils of the Powers divine?
Some bolder Song shall wake the Lyre,
And Sounds unknown its trembling Voice inspire.


Thus o'er the steepy Mountain's Height,
Starting from Sleep, thy Priestess takes her Flight;
Amaz'd beholds the Thracian Snows,
With languid Streams where icy Heber flows,
Or Rhodope's high-towering Head,
Where frantick Quires barbarian Measures tread.
O'er pathless Rocks; through lonely Groves
With what Delight my raptur'd Spirit roves!
O Thou, who rul'st the Naiad's Breast;
By whom the Bacchanalian Maids, possest
With sacred Rage inspir'd by Thee,
Tear from the bursting Glebe th'uprooted Tree,
Nothing or low, or mean, I sing,
No mortal Sound shall shake the swelling String.
The venturous Theme my Soul alarms,
But warm'd by thee the Thought of Danger charms.
When Vine-crown'd Bacchus leads the Way,
What can his daring Votaries dismay?