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Under Theodosius 2 in the East/Valentinianus 2 in the West begining 412/425
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Under Theodosius 2 in the East/Valentinianus 2 in the West begining 412/425

Croscus the Vandall king next Stilicon
Who direfull persecution carrid on
Wasting in France towns, Cities, Churches, Saints
Justice he findes hath hands: attends Complaints
He at the Siege of Arles is pris'ner ta'en
With iron bracelets deckt, and shouts again,
Circuited round about through ev'ry place
He had destroy'd, unto his great disgrace
Then brought to try what keen Edge tortures beare
A wretched Death doth's Soule from's Carrion tare.
When John the Penman Emperour would bee
After Honorius, he arms you'l see
'Gainst whom is sent brave Ardabarius
But's cast into John's Clutches: things run thus.
Aspar his son is sent: who knowing that
His Father's life's at stake, perplext here at
The Emperour falls on his knees, doth bring
By prayer from God an Angell, t'do the thing.
Now Aspars Army by Ravenna's Lake
An Angell in a Shephards weeds doth take
And leads them through it dride up by Gods hand
The like ne're known before, as on the land.
He takes the town, his Father saves, doth slay
The Tyrant: Now stages upraisd display
Their joy. Whom Theodosius spoke thus to
Lets leave this vain passtime, to Gods house go,
And poure out hearty prayers and praise to him
Whose hand hath done't. Hence fall they on that thing.
But still all is not o're for Rugas Whom
John gaind to aide him with his barb'rous throng
Attempts the ruin of the Country still
Hence Theodosius leaves it to Gods Will
And fights with servant prayers that thunder slayes
Rugas their Duke, and sickness sore decayes
Most of his men: and the remaining part
Fire did Consume which heaven made its dart
Hence Proclus bishop did unto Gods praise
Apply Ezekiels fire on Gog to blaze.
The Vandall King Gunderick that or'e threw
Brave Sevil and did make Christ Church there rue



Did feel Gods hand was righteous the when thereby

The Divell Ceisd him: that the wretch doth die.
At Alexandria the hatefull Jews
Their Sabbath dayes religiously don't use
But spend in stageplays and in dancings till
Their Quarrels with the Christian by a Bill
Of Civill power fixt on the stage commands
Them to be peacefull: Which while Hierax stands
Reading it ore, who was a Christian much
Endeard to Cyrill: Schoolmaster to such
As came to learn, Whom the mad Jews do hall
And bring before Orests, 'gainst him ball,
As coming there to set all by the Eares
He on the Stage torments him sorely there.
Cyrill the Bishop grieved much at this
Calls some Greate Jews reproves them, not a mess
Withall doth ad his threats unless they do
Desist such things: at which their fire doth glow
Hence do Compact and in the night out Cry
Saint Alexanders all on fire, but ly
And lying under painthouses, close, still
When Christians come to quench't, they did them kill.
Cyrill provokt hereat permits 'm t'fall
O'th'Jews in th'Synagogue to kill and mall.
Things bad on all hands: hence the Emperour
Exiles all jews from Alexandria far
At Inmester twixt Syria's Antioch
And Chalcedon this Villany out broke
The Jews in stage playes in their Cups deride
Christians and Christ himselfe with scorns they jybe
Erect a Cross, do steale a Christian boy
And hang thereon fast naild; then scorns let fly
And scourge him till he giveth up the Ghost
Hence rise sharp quarrelling in that hot Coast
Untill th'imperiall sword did justice take
And made the Synagogues these jews forsake.
And now about Moses Cretenses rose
Who for a twelve month up and down Crete goes
Perswades the Jews that he was Moses, and
Would through the Seas them lead to their own land:
Which open would as the red sea before
To give them pass, there follow him therefore
Men, Women, Children, to an elbow steep,
He them bewitcht, they leape down in the deep
Hoping the Waves would ope to them away
But oh they hug them close. Befooled they
Do many perish. Some some Christians save
Who were nigh fishing, up they'r took and gave
Account to those behind that wayes they found
Their Prophet Moses vanisht now or's drown
They se the Divell hath befoold them sore
And many of them Christians turn therefore


In Cyrills time the Famous, modest, brave
Deep read Philosophress Hypatia Grave
Who in th'Platonick Schoole Philosophy
Of all sorts read with such a bravery
As drew from Countreyes round about each where
Such as desired learning her to heare
To Alexandria. Her modesty
Would give her grace in any Prince's eye.
She oft resorted and Conferd at times
Orestes the Lieutenant, which inclines
Some harebrains to impute the grudge betixt
Him and their Cyrill by her means was fixt
Hence Peter the Lecturer takes of his Crew
And as her Coach came from Orestes, drew
Her thence into Cesarium Church and there
Do strip her naked tare her every where


All o're her flesh with sharp shells till shee dies

They cut her up in quarters as she lies
Then carry her in Quarters to a place
Calld Cinaron and burn to dust a pace
Her quarters there. A dreadful fact what woe
Cyrill hangs o're thy flock such things that do?
When Boniface Affrick's Lieutenent fet


(Vext that another in his place was set)

Gensericus the Vandal out of Spain
In Affrica this vandall wrackt his brain
To bring all unto Arijsm there
That on he went with ruin, rapine Speare
And sword, yea sucking Babs to pieces dasht
'Gainst Rock or Ground, and some he also gasht
Cut up from fundament unto their Crown
And burnt their temples and their buildings down
Torturd the ministers with cruelties
To make them shew their treasures: did devise
To gagg their mouths wide open and them tun
Sea Waters, Vinigar, Oyle dregs or scum
Nay stincking dung ramd in their jaws, whereby
Many an holy saint he did destroy,
Twist Cords about their brows or anckles till
They rung again. He did Pampinias kill
Bishop of Utica, by claping fresh
Red firy plates of iron o're all his flesh.
And put forth laws at Carthage to root out
All Orthodox and gusted thus about
He would not leave a man alive, and then
Chargd in the sea forth with to drown these men
But now attend, Justice begins to spur
And Cramp the jaws of such a Cursed cur
His mastife Proculus in Eugitane
That wasted thus and burnt Gods Word in flame


Doth bite his tongue to bits by's venom teeth
And thus he falleth like a wretched theefe,
One of these Vandals having Servants three
That Christians were, who by the Kings decree
Them dayly tortur'd till their gutts appeare
Which by rich grace the next day cured were.
The tyrant not regarding it, Gods red
And burning anger him struck swiftly dead
His Daughters and all Creatures too of Worth.
His Wife alone and slaves left: who bestowth
Her Christian servants on Sersaon who
Was Cousin to Genserick, and now loe
When he had got them in his paws the Divell
Began to take possession and make Evill
His Children, and his Servants, and his house,
Gensericus too and his son though Crouce
Did feele Gods hand making their stincking breath
To leave their Carrion by a wretched death.
A Dreadfull Earthquake all most all the World
Was made to feel which many towers down whorld.
The Cherronesian wall so mighty great
It ruined: it made the Earth to breake
To ope her mouth and swallow many towns
Many and mighty trees to swallow down
It drid up fountains, fountains made to spring
Where dry land was, did many Vallies bring
Into Great mountains, Sea's did vomit out
Her fishes dead, did many ilands rout
Ore tumbling them with waves. Ships on dry land
Are now discernd, waters leaving there sand,
And many Contries in Phrygia,
In Hellespontus and Bithynia
Were quite undone, this Woe abiding long
Before it did depart, Plagues, Famines strong,
Wild beast devouring, Earth-yawns and huge draughts
Great Hail, Deep Snows, sharp frosts and stranger thoughts
Great Sun Ecleipses, stars at noon day shine
Are prodigies sent by the hand divine.
We'le run to Persia, and see the Eye
Of Justice how its sparkling beams out fly
On the Magicians there who sought to fling
Black Venom ranck in Isdegard their King
Again Christ and to raise his spirits higher
Upon the Persian God which is the fire.
They dig an hole Under the herth and set
A man there in, that when the King there met
Before his God, should ball thus on him there
(Yet so as if the fire the speaker were)
Get out the King whom impious God deems
And seing he so mightily esteems


A Doctor of the Christian sect, he hee
Did falsy count that he is prizd by mee.
This griev'd the King: Maruthasias remov'de
The Roman Legate, Christian, whom he lov'de
Maruthas gives unto the king a hint
That th' fire spake not, there was some hocas in't.
Observe, quoth he, next voice, whence it doth rise
And dig and see what Deity there lies.
The which the King attends, doth catch the mole
Doth for their magick all their houses tole.
But still not still but let another foist
Within a little while, which was thus tricde
Where'ere the king doth go they for perfume
Make an intolerable stinck up bloome
And father't on the Christian Legats there
As if they expert artist at such were.
The King suspects their magick in the spell
Doth searche and finds it so, and bumbs them well.
But Barazanes reigning next is whet
By these Magicians' sharp and on is set
Upon Christ flock and doth them worry and
By these magicians use a cruell hand
And fright that they a pace do blating run
To Theodosius; when before this done
He had abusd, raisd up's imperiall ire
To burn this Persian birch up in the fire,
Sends Ardaburius forth with armed force
Who through Medamnis into Persia Course
There Azazena wast, and Naseus rout
Who gathring strength against another bout
Whose manhood in Mesopotamia
They aimd to try and here they're drove away
And pounded up in Isabis, meanwhile
Bright Angells send to the Imperiall soile
By passengers this word, Cheer up and pray
Your souldiers shall soon rout and win the day
And we are sent to rule this war for you.
Now Barazanes hearing's armies flew
Comes with the Sarrazens a mighty force
But God affrighted them, that they do course
And in Euphrates head long leape for feare
Deeming the Roman Gallants on them were
Set suddenly, an hundred thousand then
Were drowned in these streams of armed men
Thus Barazanes had his power quite spoild
His souldiers which his pride Immortall stilde.


Nestorius the Heretick did let fly
His Blasphemy against Christ Deity


And by a Counsill held at Ephesus

Deposed was. Things came upon him thus
When in Thebais Desert in banishment
He was confin'd, the Worms that love bad sent
Disht his blasphemous tongue for sweet viands
And feasted on't till he had spent his sands.


Before that flame brought in Attila's speare

Greate Earthquakes at Constantinople were,
The folk amaizd (these for three months abide)
They leave the town and in the field reside,
Perfume the Aire with pray'res for safety, Cry
While Earth stood trembling. Lord let mercy high.
At three a Clock in all their sight was caught
Up in the aire a youth and this voice brought
For three days space, biding of one to say
To th'Bishop and they people thus to Pray
Have mercy Oh thou Holy God on us
Thou Holy strong One, Holy Immortall, thus,
And nothing else. Proclus the Bishop said.
Folke pray then thus and so the Earthquake stay'd.
When one of those barbarian kings that came
Some yeare before with Vororones flame
And siegd Constantinople barkt out like
Senacherib and Rabsheke in spite
Did threat to burn Gods temple up with fire
Eunomius then the Bishops prayr'e grew higher
Not bearing of his rage, he's Engin plac'de
Up on the Wall with a great Stone and Cast
It at him in the Name that blasphem'd was
The which directly on that king did pass
His Cursed mouth and head gave such a bang
And dasht out all his brains, made's mettle twang.
The siege plucks up their stakes, such brains fall out,
One single stone this mighty host did rout.
Attila now the Hun, his father Dead
Comes from his den, makes Christendom to dread,
Distroying Thrace, Illyricum also
But for six thousand pound weight gold did Goe
Away from Theodose, But call'd again
By Genserick the Vandall fled the main
To Affrick drove o'pe by the painish Goths
Whom to revenge Attila is not loath,
Glides down the Rhine like to red flame of fire
Destroying all on'ts bancks next Rome's empire,
Having five hundred thousand at his heels


Whose mettall in the Catalawnick fields

Brave Etius tri'de whose instruments did slay
An hundred eighty thousand in that day.


Attila now distresst a bone fire made
Of saddle bows would burn himselfe its said,
But better Counsild, up he gets and runs
Destroying as he goes, till Rome his drums
Do summons, now Leo Romes Bishop sent
Entreats his favour: Spare the City-tent.
The Which he did and turns another way.
One of his men enquired him t'display
The reason why upon the Priests address
He spared Rome? To whom he did profess.
It was not for the Priests sake, whom he gave
No honour to: But he there saw a brave
And glorious Gray old man in Priestly 'ray
And august Looks stand by the priest and say
With drawn sword in his hand, he'd run me through
If what the priest desird I would not doe
And so returned home where first instauld
Flagellum Dei: Malleus Orbis calld,
And on his Wedden day in's Cups at night
Chockt was with blood put in his nose to slight.
But Etius brave for reasons not well known
Not following of the foe, thus overthrown
Had in requitall of the field he won
His head struck off. The Empire's thus undone.
On Valentinian one sighd out in scoff
That with his left hand he his right cut off.