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Amorea, The Lost Lover

Or The Idea of Love and Misfortune. Being Poems, Sonets, Songs, Odes, Pastoral, Elegies, Lyrick Poems, and Epigrams. Never before printed. Written by Pathericke Jenkin

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To his little Book.

Goe little Book, let Amorea know
What she doth owe
Unto thy Authour, and her dying Swain
Shew her disdain;
No, stay and take thy errand, let her see
'Tis cruell she
Hath brought her servant to a deep dispair,
By being fair.
But goe and do not fear to tell her, goe and show
That lovely foe,
By disoblieging him, and slighting thee,
Both are set free;
And if in reading thee, that killing Saint
Doth once relent;
Tell her it was her scornfull Tyrannie,
Hath set an end unto my love and thee.