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A Strappado for the Diuell

Epigrams and Satyres alluding to the time, with diuers measures of no lesse Delight. By MISOSUKOS[Greek], to his friend PHILOKRATES[Greek] [by Richard Brathwait]

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Riddle me this.


Riddle me this.

An Embleame including the Authors name.

Two waies there be, one broade, the other straite,
which two beat paths leade to a distinct state
Of weale, of woe: this if you right explaine,
the first, though worst, includes the Authors name.

Or thus

A Brea, a Banke, a Border, or a Shore,
Smiles on his name that brought these Satires ore.

His Crest

His Crest a Cuckolds Crosse: his Motto, Heere
I giue a Badge which Citizens doe weare.
Blow my Plump-fac't Poulterer of Saffron Hill.