University of Virginia Library


Yee haue made a mocke of the counsell of the Poore.

Psal. 14. 10.
The Wisedome of the Poore, is still mispriz'd,
sith by their Wealth, Mens Wits are valued:
Speake he like Salomon, hee's ill aduis'd,
say some, that vnderstood not what he said.
But if he be an Isis-bearing Asse,
and speake what he himselfe, nor none conceiues,
His Praise shall, as his Folly doth, surpasse;
and speakes, as he no place for answere leaues.
Yet had some Kings, some Beggers in a place,
where he might not be seene, to vse their Wit,
(If it were Soueraigne, though his state were base)
this Sou'raigne would, of him, perhaps, beg It:
Which when He vents, the Peoples voyce is than,
This is the voyce of God, and not of Man!